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Goals for senior year
Goals as a high school student
My goal as a Senior High School Student
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To some students, senior year means parties, prom, graduation, and senior week but my focus is mainly to accomplish these three things: make it to playoffs for field hockey, receive honor roll as much as I possibly can, and simply make the most of my last year in high school. Senior year is the last year you spend with all the friends you have grown up with. I believe that senior year is the most important year of high school because it is your last “free” year. After senior year you either head onto college, start a career in the work force, or enlist in the military. You are no longer viewed as a child and are on your way to starting adulthood. Senior year helps to determine where you will go in life and how successful you could be.
Teenagers already have to deal with being at high school for 6+ hours but also have to do homework (which can be can also be 6+ hours with AP classes). Teenagers also often have to deal with sports, jobs, clubs, and then there’s familial issues they have to deal with. Community service work should not interfere with sleep or school work. There are things every year that puts pressure on students. Freshman year being the first year of high school so they’re just learning how it works. Sophomore year can be the toughest for most being the transition after freshman year and dealing with tougher classes for the first time. Junior year is the when grades actually matter for college and when you
Graduating early is when you graduate before you are suppose to. It was never common because no one ever seemed to think about it or want to put in the work to do it. For a long time high school was defined as the best time of your life. Everyone who spoke to you always said when you left you would miss it. No one really wanted to graduate early for that reason. People wanted to cherish the time they had in high school because they knew they only got to go through it once. It was a big idea to live up to. Senior year has this belief attached to it. It means a lot to people because it is their last year of high school and it was upsetting to know that you’d be leaving the people you have spent the last four years with. People thought you had to have as much fun as possible in high school and do all kinds of crazy things before you turned 18: when you would be considered and punished as an adult. Now those times have changed. High school is not looked upon as the best times of your life anymore. It is looked upon in almost a negative way. High school has changed a lot and it is not very enjoyable now. There are lots of reasons why someone would want to graduate early. For instance, maybe the student was bullied, maybe the student decided they wanted to move on and go to college, maybe the student got sick of their home life and wanted to move forward, or like me, maybe the student has their future waiting for them and all they need is to graduate high school so they could begin it.
“In a study entitled “The Lost Opportunity of Senior Year: Finding a Better Way," released in 2001, the commission found that for many students, that year "becomes party-time rather than a time to prepare for one of their most important life transitions. ... Many students reported 'ditching ' senior classes because the atmosphere encouraged them to consider senior year a farewell tour of adolescence and school." The commission also suggested that senioritis may, in fact, be most pervasive among the "best and the
In addition to gaining a great deal of creditability from doing the Senior Project, or also referred to as the Culminating Project, students also gain something even more valuable than praise from accomplishing an obscure assignment, a diploma. Yes, the Senior Project, of all things, is required to graduate high school, it’s no wonder seniors get senioritis, and desire to extract as soon as possible. Now, these aren’t all the exact reasons as to why it is required of by each individual, because there are many reasons as to why it is necessary and how it will be more beneficial than tedious, at least to some people, namely school boards or any other administrators of education. Their motives are so that the student may further prepare himself or herself for college or careers. This opinion may be true, that it indeed does prepare some students for their futures, but that doesn’t guarantee that it will prepare all students for what will come after high school. All it can provide is the basics that administrators find essential. Sure the topic is open as to what can be chosen to present on, but within that freedom are regulations.
In short, I feel junior year provided a foundation for the more mature and adult chapters of my life, and without the numerous obstacles of junior year, I would never have gained the key to a successful future.
My Senior year in High School has officially begun, only one more year at Corona High. I know that Senior year is supposed to be fun, but I believe every year is an opportunity to improve. I have already set my goals for this school year. I believe I can achieve a GPA of 4.0 or above. However, there are some personal goals that I need to complete first. I need to stop my terrible habit of procrastinating. Another goal of mine is to pass my AP tests so I can earn college credit. I also want to learn new things, so I started to learn the basics of Coding, now I need to finish this course. These are some things I look to accomplish this year.
As a highschool student we come up with many goals that we want to achieve each year. My three main goals for my junior year are to get good grades and maintain a good G.P.A. to stay active and play sports, and to start looking for colleges to apply for. Usually, it is hard to achieve all your own personal goals, especially if it involves working extra hard or doing other tedious activities.
Senior year is the year full of memories, some bad and some good. But, I will forever cherish these because I will never get a chance to do this again. Senior year is the year I will learn to take risks, have fun, focus on my future and everything it holds. I have 9 months left of being a kid, 9 months before I spring into adulthood. It is the year full of changes-whether or not I actually want them to happen. This is the year that will be filled with some hard goodbyes and generous hellos. But, I will put my best foot forward and embrace and embark on this special
Think back to when you were first introduced into a cap and gown way back in 8th grade. That day was full of excitement and anticipation of being able to be in the big world of highschool. You were becoming a young adult and your 8th grade mind loved it. But things have changed since then. You probably don't have the same excitement and anticipation to graduate this time, and there is only one reason for it. Its senioritis.
There are two types of mornings: good and bad. Bad are those that usually occur during the weekends. The dreams are never finished to watch, warm bedding does not want you to go, and a little puppy desires even more attention than ever. To counterbalance it, good mornings are those that allow you to sleep until the midday and let the world wait. However, there was one particular day when everything has changed. I was waiting for my alarm to ring and could not wait to get up to proceed with my preparations for the day. That was the year of 2010, my graduation from County High School that is in Lafayette, Indiana.
My senior year is very important and that is why I must use it efficiently. There are many things I hope to accomplish during my senior year. Graduation is my top priority because if I do not graduate my future will be in jeopardy. Clubs and extra activities are very important for college acceptance. I hope to get certified in the areas in which I have been training for. Getting into college so that I can be successful is the main goal in my life is. I hope to get accepted to a college or university by the end of my senior year. My schedule will be busy but I will
As young girl with big dreams I imagined my senior year of high school to be one of the best years of my life. I imagined going to homecoming with all of my friends, being the captain of the varsity soccer and cheerleading teams, going to Friday night football games, going to Prom with my perfect date, and going on a senior trip with all of my best friends. I never imagined my senior year to be the way that it is. I am the new kid.
My High School life has helped shape the way for my college experiences that I will face. My senior year in high school is not the same as many other high school students. I am taking many advanced classes to help me prepare for college. These classes help me better understand exactly how much harder I must work to succeed.
Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed. Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life.
My senior year of high school…I want to enjoy people’s company, appreciate my family’s presence, and keep a permanent Polaroid of my “home town” etched in my memory. I have a purpose for the year, I know what I want to accomplish for the future, but I have to remember to make the most out of today because there may not always be a tomorrow.