My Professional Philosophy As It Pertains To Student Affairs

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Reflecting on my professional philosophy as it pertains to Student Affairs; I believe Student Affairs should be comprised of several different entities, which individually fits the needs of every student. Based on the foundational components of Student Affairs, which lends itself towards my philosophy in directly supporting and helping students discover their purpose, goals/objectives and striving for internal growth. Clearly, a very tough and arguable a large task to conquer, despites some of my beliefs, my main intent is to foster growth. Obviously, many of my beliefs coincide with Student Affairs identity, as we come to know it from today’s perspective view. Therefore, Student Affairs, has taken on a very different identity, which has gradually …show more content…

Philosophically, if Student Affairs took a more proactive approach in publicly becoming more visible on campus and explaining what type of services they offered, could positively promote self-growth from within. I believe this is what could potentially develop, “the whole student.” Oftentimes, students who are struggling academically/financially or have experienced a challenging event on campus, don't seek Student Affairs assistance. Mostly, due to lack of knowledge or understanding of what services are provided, a fear factor or feelings of intrusion on their privacy by the institution. It's perplexing, that Student Affairs doesn't have the ability to intervene when it’s been recognized; a student may be struggling midway through the semester. Certainly, there is a fine balance, however, offering some services and providing a safety net for those individuals, who seem to need it the most, help is available to them. Ultimately, such an approach could be the potential spark needed to make all the difference in whether the student achieves a level of success or

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