My Mentor Experience

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I learned a lot in this class and job that if your mentor or boss is not prepared the people below them will not be prepared. The first thing we did on day one was go view three or four houses to check if they had been staged yet (staging a home is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling a property more swiftly and for more money) ( Then we showed two houses to a client. After lunch we talked more about what I wanted from this experience or what I hoped to learn from her about real estate. One of the first things I asked her was how she made her money. She told me that “realtors earn a commission based on the sales price …show more content…

I did not see her that morning she must have gotten there early or left the folder the day before. After getting settled in and looking at the information in the folder for a while she sent me an email with the names of some vendors and asked me to make a list similar to the one in the folder. At this point day eight I only need four hours left to complete my sixty. I had sent her an email at the end of day seven to remind her that I would be there on day eight only for half a day. When I arrived she had already sent me an email asking me to clean up her Inspection selection list, which was a large list of people and companies she uses for everything from plumbing to housekeeping, roofers, and utilities companies. A few of my classes prepared me for the things I did. Business communication class taught me how to write an email properly. Advanced spreadsheets helped me make changes to cell sizes and other things I did not know before this class. Other than that I cannot think of anything else that helped, Composition class is helping me write this paper right

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