My Leadership Philosophy

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My philosophical approach would align with the integrated approach to leadership development. I think promoting organic talent and an organizational history are essential elements to leadership development. I think it is always best to promote organic talent to leadership positions. I think the organic approach to promoting talent builds history with an organization that just in time leadership development doesn't allow. I view the just in time leadership development approach as being more akin to head hunting for leadership from other organizations when your organization has a need to fill. To me this lack of organizational history breeds leaders who don't have the complete buy in of the other employees and may not share the corporate culture.
I believe promoting organic talent to leadership positions following the integrated approach to leadership development allows the ability to mentor an employee. Mentoring an employee allows for knowledge sharing of company processes and personnel that isn't otherwise possible. According to Jamie Neidig “To prevent “brain drain” before it occurs, agencies should create mentoring programs specifically for knowledge transfer from potential retirees to individuals likely to do their roles or tasks in the future.” I believe …show more content…

An organization with good foresight and organizational training should want to groom their next leaders and participate in their development. I can't see how just-in-time leadership development could be a good organizational planning strategy. Integrated leadership development would help both the organization and new leader to build a history which includes a familiarity with the people of the organization. This familiarity with the people allows the leader to gain the respect and buy-in of the employees quicker than the just-in-time leadership development

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