My Five Themes Analysis

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My five themes are strategic, includer, context, connectedness, and positivity. My strategic strength will help contribute to this project because it allows me to figure out what methods have worked in the past and use it for our project. Through listening to the speakers in class, I have learned that in the past it works best to provide events that the neighborhood will be able to use and to appreciate. This way more people will come and it will make them happy. Being an includer allows me to look at the people we are trying to help and to figure out ways that will make them feel accepted at our event, such as talking with them and participating in the activities with them. Having strength in context has helped me to understand how I work best in a group. I have found through experience that if I listen closely to what every group memeber says and then take time on my own to gather my thoughts I provide more meaningful ideas to the group. Connectedness allows me to understand that all people in our community need to be helped in order to keep the community going. We can not ignore some people in the community and expect it to thrive, it is a group effort to make the community a better …show more content…

After class I would brainstorm on different ideas and try to figure out what would benefit the community most. I also have been paying more attention to what happens in our neighborhood, such as events in the news and observing as I drive around the neighborhood. I do believe that providing useful activities such as the family photos and fun activities such as a cook off or games will benefit the community the most. Sara Rugg explained to us that the community members need to have an event where they can just enjoy themselves and not have to think about their worries. This type of event will provide a welcoming atmosphere and allow them to participate in fun

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