Mgt 311 Week 3 Theme Analysis

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My first Theme is Harmony. It states that is one of my guiding values. I tend to steer clear from conflict. I feel conflict is an unproductive way to handle differences. I believe if we would keep our opinions in check it would bring greater results in a shorter frame of time. I can relate to this and find it a fact. I’m the youngest from 5 sisters. When it comes to the family having differences they tend to always turn to me to guide them back to common ground. My second Theme is Arranger. I’m the conductor! I like to align and realign process and procedures to make them the most productive. I believe I show this talent in my current as a Manager. I work with other departments to ensure our process and procedure aligns to meet our obligations to provide our Customers and Clients the best experience with their service. …show more content…

I’m loyal and committed individual. I take my responsibilities at work and home very seriously. I’m the head of the house hold and my daughter and mom are basically under my wing. They both count that I’m going to take care of them and I have taken full responsibility. I’m obsessed of trying to always do the right thing. At work, I meet once a week with my direct reports to let them know where they stand with the metrics and provide my assistance to guide them to be successful in their responsibilities. The work “No” for me is not in my vocabulary of accomplishing anything. I see it as an excuse and unacceptable. My forth Theme is Individualization. I feel that God had a purpose of making us all different and unique. I don’t like to generalize “types” because I like to see each person as a individual. I’m a observer and I like to tap into people talent. Conclusion, one person might have strength on creativity and the other one has the strength of Analyzing, either way they both are unique and they can still bring value and strength to the

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