Meagan Moor

629 Words2 Pages

The setting of the scorch trials starts off with a group of boys in a dormitory. Each boy stayed in a room with 2 old bunk beds, a fan, and a 1 window covered in metal bars. They boys stayed in rooms of 4 boys. The boys are forced to leave the dormitory and end up in a dry, lifeless, desert like place called the flare. The flare is miles and miles of hot desert sand and random old abandoned buildings. They travel across the flare to find the safe haven, which ends up being a stick in the ground that says, “You made it”.
The fictional plot of the story starts of with the boys from the glade being forced into a dormitory. After a couple days they are forced to leave the dormitory and sent on a second test threw the flare. They have to fight off cranks, which are people who have a disease called the flare. They also have to fight cranks, sand storms, and the hot sun flares. The boys get attacked and get separated. Thomas makes a deal with a group of cranks to protect the Gladers. The group gets attacked and Thomas is left alone with the leader of the cranks, Brenda. They follow the under ground tunnels until Thomas is shot by a random crank. Thomas struggles to continue walking, but finally finds the other Gladers and they help him get to the safe haven. When they get to the safe haven they are forced to fight for their life against a deadly creature. They go into a plane hoping to take them to the real safe haven, but as they were leaving the driver said “only one crank can come on the plane”. So Thomas has to fight the pilot to save the cranks. Thomas falls asleep on the plane and when he wakes up, he doesn’t know where he is and they only thing he can hear is “WICKED is good”
The non-fictional plot is the story follows threw fro...

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...WICKED to create a scary tone for the story. The author also uses imagery to make the scenes exciting and to keep you reading. The author uses words such as wonder, confusion, unexpected and screaming to make you want to keep reading and keeps you on your toes.
The theme the author put across is teamwork and never to give up. The author tells a story about how the Gladers and group b work together to get to the safe haven. The author also shows how even in the worse and hardest things Thomas and the Gladers never lost sight of what they wanted to achieve. I think the author made the theme very obvious and very clear for readers.
I think this book was really well written and the theme is a very good theme for kids to read. James writes a story that keeps you wanting more and gives put a good lesson.

Works Cited

Meagan Moor
Mr. Hyde
English Pre-AP, P2

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