My First Hamster-Personal Narrative

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I remember it vividly, it was in third grade, a few minutes after a teacher-family conference. I was promised a hamster, if my third grade teacher Mrs. Bishop gave a good report about me to my parents. And she did, it was more than good, it was excellent. I was going to get my first hamster. I remember, pushing my small hands and face up against the glass of the small pet enclosure at Pet Smart, for hours and hours, taking close looks at which Hamster I wanted. My mother kept on pushing me to get different, cute and cuddly short haired hamsters, But i knew which one i wanted. A overly playful, ginger, long haired, snaggle toothed hamster, he had a saber tooth that went through his upper lip. For some reason, i found him cuter than any other

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