Hamster Cages Are Too Small For Hamsters Essay

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“Minimum 24 inches long and 12 inches wide,” according to the Humane Society. Most hamster cages sold in pet stores do not meet that requirement of 288 square inches. Hamsters are small so they can be in a cage where they can barely turn around in right? (rh ?) Companies for too many years have been selling cages that are too small for hamsters. Commercially sold cages are too small for hamsters because they are not able to hold the appropriate amount of toys and they do not allow the pet to have enough floor space nor bedding to run around or burrow in. Hamsters need plenty of room to run around. They are not able to just leave their house like we can. Their cage is the only place they have. According to the Smithsonian website, hamsters started to become domesticated in 1930 to become test subjects by a jewish biologist. Hamsters are still tiny wild animals that are being kept in tiny cages. They must have plenty of bedding to help simulate burrowing as they would in the wild. Unfortunately store bought cages do not allow for this. “It [stress] can cause serious harm to the …show more content…

They do not provide enough floorspace for running and for holding the appropriate amount of toys, but these small cages sell for thirty to fifty dollars and they are made mostly of cheap plastic. These cages do not cost the companies anything to make. They sell these cruel(rep) cages to consumers, so they can make their money. These companies do not care about the well-being of the inhabitants. People need to stop buying these cruel(rep) cages to stuff their hamsters into, even though the pet store employee tells you to. The goal of a pet store employee is not to give the best life to the pet, but to sell. Commercially sold hamster cages need to be larger. Stop supporting and ordering and buying from these cruel companies until their cages are bigger. Instead build a cage where your hamster can have plenty of toys and room to

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