Puppies Pigs And People Summary

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Alastair Norcross in his article “Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal cases “expresses the moral dilemma based on factory farming. Norcross gives an example of a man named Fred. Fred has to torture puppies in order to be able to enjoy chocolate. This is because when puppies are brutally tortured and then brutally killed they release a chemical called cocoamone. This chemical enhances the taste of chocolate, so Fred is killing puppies for gustatory pleasure. Any morally sound person would be appalled at what Frank is doing to these puppies and that is the basis of Norcross’s article. He is arguing that raising animals on factory farms and what Fred is doing are both morally wrong, because in both cases we are brutally killing the …show more content…

What we do to animals in factory farms is disastrous; we are torturing animals just for a quick meal. We subject animals to a life of misery just for one dinner. What Fred does to the puppies is morally wrong and no one can dispute this. People may argue that there is a moral difference between puppies and chickens, this I agree with. But, the moral difference between dogs and pigs are almost nonexistent. Both of these animals are very smart and are capable of making rational decisions. It does not make sense why some people will choose to eat a pig, but they can’t imagine eating a dog. Both species are complex. There is a moral problem in how we obtain our meat. We should try to strive in killing animals in as humane as a way as possible. I don’t think it is plausible to ask people to stop eating meat-I would not give up eating meat. But, I do agree with Norcross when he says that we need to stop factory farming. The ways animals are killed in these places in

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