My First Drill Narrative

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I woke up with that feeling in my head, the feeling that will make you jump out of your bed. This feeling was speechless and not even today I can describe it. Today is the day of my surgery and I’m not going to lie I was scared. I started to ask myself the “if” questions. What if something happens during the surgery? What happens if I wake up during the surgery? What happens if I die? What happens if I can’t play soccer as I used to? After all these questions my dad came into action. He taught me that my life to be strong and never say no because no is for the weak. It was November 6, 2017, the day of my injury. I remember that day, the dark night with a bright moon. It’s pretty funny because that day I wasn't going to practice but I begged …show more content…

I went to the field shook my coaches hand and high fived my friends. We ran for around the minutes. I was excited to be there honestly the A team liked me because of my ability of scoring goals. I had 14 goals in 8 games and the A team coach asked me to play for them. After warming up for around 15 mins we started to do simple drills they called them “fundamentals”. We were set up and we started doing the drills we have been waiting, They separated us into 4 groups divided by colors. I had the color yellow, we started to do drills from attacking to defending. We had 4 goes each player and my first attempt was successful, the second try I missed, and the third one was the best play ever. They passed me the ball and I took a beautiful touch keeping the ball on my feet, the defender starts sprinting towards me and I quickly thought of a move. I felt that the lights where just on me, everybody was watching coaches and players all eyes on me I rapidly moved my legs to a position where my body leaned over to the left but I then quickly sprinted to the right. The player felled over and now it was just one opponent the goalkeeper. I prepared myself to take him, I could’ve taken a

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