My Football Game: The Last Game Of Football

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It was the last season of my football career and it could not have been going better. We were winning games and were having a blast. The team was giving high fives and banging helmets together. We were a true family; growing closer than any team I had ever been with before. I was standing with my teammates as we said the same prayer before our game as we did every week. “Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” The deep, strong voices rang throughout the room sending chills down my back. I loved it. I ran out to the center of the field to begin leading the team in stretches and felt as if I were on top of the world. My muscles worked together in perfect harmony as I jumped, lounged, and sprinted back and forth across the field. I was invincible. The thought grew …show more content…

Riley, our starting quarterback, placed his hands on the helmet of the right tackle, as he did every play. He called the play looking straight into my eyes signaling the pass was coming to me. My entire body tingled with excitement as I ran to the left of the field. I could feel my cleats dig into the soft, freshly cut field as I took my stance. I looked up into the sky seeing only white lights which created the stage for the football field. As I brought my head down slowly to see the white eyes of the defender across from me, my heart beat slowed and I was still, in peace for the short moment. The quarterback hiked the ball and I began in pursuit; shifting, juking to get away from my defender. We were side-by-side running down the field as the ball was thrown into the air, coming strait to me. I jumped up and became airborne, snagging it from the lit up, night sky. Falling back with the ball secured into my arms, I felt my defenders full weight push into my left leg. A snap rang out as we hit the ground together and I looked down to see a large bump sticking straight left out of my

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