What Does Success Means To Me?

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Hoosiers once said " If you put your effort and concentration into playing to your own potential, to be the best that you can be. . . in my book we are going to be winners". This quotation is relevant to the question of What does success mean to me? I believe success is about learning what you are capable of to achieve your full potential being successful in your life. For you have a better understanding, I will explain success is about being achievable in your own way and being able to see yourself grow in your personal life and perspective of how you see yourself becoming successful. Success is not only about the choices you make to become successful, but about how you approach the way to become successful. Therefore, in the John Wooden …show more content…

The men in the town had set up a meeting in a barber shop to have a discussion about basketball with the new Coach Norman the men told Norman they needed Jimmy to play in order to win. Norman Dale did not care about who was on the team, it mattered how the players were playing together. Coach Norman went to go visit Jimmy, Coach Norman tells Jimmy a story when he was younger, he would do anything to win a game whether he hurt someone or pushed away someone to win a game. During the movie his perspective about winning had changed. While the team was playing against another team during the game, it did not matter if they were losing it mattered that they were working together. Another example, from the movie Hoosiers was when a player named Ollie had gotten fouled on he had to make the last winning points. Ollie was discouraged, he would not make the winning shot, he gained confidence in himself, so he shot the first shot and made it Ollie was so surprised that he made the first shot, he still had to make the second shot there was a suspense to make the last shot and he did the team was so happy Ollie made the team …show more content…

We were playing against the McAllen High School. I was a starter post on the team we were losing by 10 the first half of the game. We had 5 minutes of halftime the team and I were so upset that we were losing so we decided to pray to gain our confidence back. Once halftime was over starting five went back in we started well with defense once again, we stole some passes, but didn’t make all baskets to catch up to. Until last quarter I made 12 points and I was so happy to make 12 points for the to catch up against our opponent. Our team was still a few behind at the end of the game we didn’t win but I was proud of myself for making those 12 points for the team even if we did not win. My teammates and coaches were so proud of all of us not just me but of each one us for working together not to lose by a lot and not making ourselves look like fools. It was the first since tournaments that I realized that we had a great team that would support each other during a game. Success comes from people who believe in you and support you through things you go through. Success is nor found nor is it a miracle, success is created by you own self from being prepared of how to succeed in life and how you are going to get there because you cannot find success you have to make success find you in. Success is not miracle to be success is something thst

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