My College Experience: Success And Failure In My Daily Life

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A recent failure that has changed how I go about my daily life is one that many college freshman experience in their first year. In high school I was a very good student, but I did not have to put in a lot of effort to get the grades that I wanted. I would joke with my friends and say that high school taught me how to put in the least amount of effort, and still get the maximum result. All of my teachers told me, as they did every student, that college was going to be different and if you do not put in more effort it would be very difficult. I knew this coming into school, but I am not sure if part of me wanted to prove people wrong, or if I actually was just adjusting to college life. I did not study as much as I should of, and as a result my grades suffered. Luckily I did not completely ruin my grade point average, but since first semester I have completely changed my study habits. This has taught a much needed lesson about hard work, and I am determined to never again fail at my studies. I am the kind of person that learns a lot from failures. My dad has always told me it is ok to make a mistake, but never make the same mistake twice. This I a motto that I live by. As mentioned in a previous section, one of my edges in confidence. I think that confidence is one the best qualities a person can …show more content…

Ever since I have been little I have been a very competitive person. I think this stems from me being involved in sports from a young age, and also having a father that was very competitive. I think the best example that illustrates my competition is my volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club. Every Thursday I volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club in Minneapolis, and am able to play sports and other games with the kids there. I have the hardest time letting the kids who are from ages six to twelve beat me in anything. I think I am good at using competition to my advantage, but at times in can get in my way because I become

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