Musical Music In The Soundtrack Of La La Land

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Musical film is a type of genre that works music into film and can generally help the plot of the movie, as well as the characters, move forward and advance. In some musical films, interruption by musical numbers is part of a characteristic of musicals as well as the abrupt breakout in dance numbers in between scenes. Often these types of films are set up just like a traditional live theater show but contain more performers and more outrageous backgrounds that are impossible to fit inside a theater. One musical film that has become an instant classic since it came out is La La Land which is one of the greatest-romantic-musical films of this generation and should be recommended for all musical lovers. La La Land shows the hardships that a person …show more content…

The soundtrack of La La Land is just as important as the characters in the film because it helps the storyline advance and because Sebastian is a talented jazz musician, the soundtrack features a lot of jazz music which helps support the film and what the characters are going through. Musical composer, Justin Hurwitz, fuses retro and modern style music into the soundtrack of the film which has reinvigorated a genre in musical film which lacks it. All the songs that were included in this film had several demos before an official theme to the songs could be added which means that each song was rehearsed several times before it could be added to the film. The songs are what gives the film its critically-acclaimed title, along with the outstanding performance that was done from actors and actresses. The songs in the film also stand for a certain scene in the film. Each one advancing one character from here to there. Without the soundtrack, this film simply would not have its moral theme set clear and overall completes this musical film …show more content…

The characters are inspirational towards all persons who aspire to be anything they want as well as show relatable situations to the audience that they can take with them. Aside from it’s relatable characters, La La Land employs themes that connect to many people like the city, artists, music, and love. While displaying how dark and yet colorful LA can be, the main characters are able to get what they want while mending their love and live happily ever after so the audience may leave feeling sad but really there is no need. The music, the choreography, and the sets all contributed to the success that La La Land is and its message conveyed

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