Music Cannot Be Blamed for Crime and Violence

630 Words2 Pages

Music Cannot Be Blamed for Crime and Violence Since the beginning of time, music has been the heart and soul for

people all over the world, creating stress-relieving bliss that only

music can provide. For every emotion felt, there is a song expressing

it whether it is sombreness or anger. Violence and Crime is often

blamed on the artists' ability to communicate their souls. I'm here to

inform and persuade you that music cannot be blamed for crime and


The lyrics of a song can be interpreted in many different ways

depending upon the individual. These interpretations are often very

different to the intentions of the artist and can spark untrue

accusations to the artist, who can be blamed for the "secret messages"

in the lyrics.

Throughout history music has been blamed for crime and violence. In

the 1950's the relationship between African Americans and white

Americans, was very limited. African American music such as Blues Jazz

and Rap was often blamed for the crimes that African Americans

committed on white people. Obviously this was mainly a cause of racism

but still controversy surrounded the issue. White Americans believed

that the African American music was associated with the devil.

In the 1960's the Beatles were blamed for the Charles Manson massacre

because one of their songs was playing while the murders occurred. The

Beatles were a much-loved pop sensation by all teenagers in that

generation which...

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...retching her death out longer so that they wouldn't

lose the thought of her. Even though the 3 boys were caught and

prosecuted, they needed something else to blame so they wouldn't have

felt guilty about the clothes she was wearing, or the time of night

they let her out. These factors of the situation are always left out

discouraging people to believe that maybe it was the criminal's fault.

Music will continue to exist, and so will murders. Should we really

try to deter musicians? If we want music to be with us, to make us

happy, to be present when we are married and when we die, we will have

to remember that they are making music for the love of it and to make

people happy. They are not trying to kill people or send out

pessimistic signs to people with mental conditions. Violence and crime

cannot be blamed on music.

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