Rap Music and Gun Violence

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In the modern world today crime is at an all time high. Gangs are now

becoming more like organizations and ruling parts of cities. Some

people, mostly politicians blame this on the music that is about

today. On New Years Eve 2003 two young girls were killed by gun shot.

They got caught up in a shoot out between two gangs. Politicians and

ministers were quick to point the finger at today’s music for

influencing gun crime. The minister for tourism said, ‘The hateful

lyrics almost connote a culture were killing is a fashion accessory”.

Weather the music is to blame is another matter, maybe the governments

use music to cover up its own mistakes. Gun crime has risen rapidly in

this country it has got to the stage of nearly twenty two fire arm

offences being committed every day. Some people now possess guns for

self defence, in poor areas of cities. This is where violence and guns

on the street is every day life for some people.

Some people defend the music and say it is not responsibly for the gun

crime, their argument Is that middle class children listen to rap and

garage and they do not go running round with guns. Some mps are saying

“The government needs to make some tough decisions. It’s not just a

case of changing what people listen too. Blaming music is both too

easy and fundamentally wrong”.

Ms Dynamite says that garage is not responsibly for violence. Violence

is everywhere and the music is just a metaphor for life in general.

She says that people in power are afraid of garage scene and that why

they constantly try to shut them down. She also condemned other people

in the music business like Ashley Walters of so solid crew, for going

to jail for possession of a gun.

People have now even written slogans, defending the music and saying

it is not to blame for influencing gun crime. For example the national

rifle association’s slogan, ‘Guns don’t kill people, People kill


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