Argumentative Essay: Offensive Music Should Be Banned

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Many people take an advantage of Freedom of speech in their music. Rappers and rocker often does this in their albums and playlist. They use violent words that’s not protected by The First Amendment. Many of them uses violent phrases that can offend most listeners. Offensive music should be banned. Music has a bad impact on people life and should be eliminated. The text, Social studies feature, page 97, paragraph 4 says “ Critics-- and parents-- were concerned that music was detrimental to its young fans.” This shows that harmful music to minors can have a bad life-time experience on their lives. Also Social studies feature, paragraph 6 states that Americans and government officials was shocked to find out the lyrics that minors and …show more content…

The text, Social studies Features, explains “ warning labels don’t help because they are still selling them to minors.” Therefore there is no point of putting warning labels on these if they don’t work, so they should ban these type of albums. Also a plethora amount of parents complained that the don’t want their children to be exposed to these offensive lyrics. Social studies feature, page 97, paragraph 2 says they were going to boycott these music companies because they still were selling these offensive albums when they hit the stores. To reduce this matter, music should be banned. Then, offensive music should because the companies refuse to listen to the parents complaints. The source, Social studies feature, page 97 says “ When the albums hit stores, kids brought them anyways.” This statement demonstrates the music companies lack of respect by still selling these offensive albums to minors. The opposing side thinks their freedom of speech is being taking away, but their lyrics are not protected by the The Bill of Rights. To conclude, those offensive lyrics by rappers and rockers shouldn’t be available. These should be banned for good to keep minors from detrimental music. The facts proves these offensive songs have a horrific impact on minors and shouldn’t be heard in music ever

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