Mrs. Flowers Reflective Essay

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The essay by Maya Angelou, Mrs. Flowers, was how she helped find the voice of an extraordinary and the relationship between them. This essay shows the examples of how actually teachers, mentors, and coaches can take interest in someone. In the past, I had someone like Mrs. Flowers take interest in me. He was my business teacher Mr. Peterkin. He help me become more confident in areas where I was weak. If it wasn’t for teachers like Mrs. Flowers and Mr. Peterkin, Marguerite and I would probably we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Ms. Flowers noticed Marguerite, sets time apart for her, and encourages her to have an opinion. The relationship between Ms. Flowers and Marguerite began with simple smiles from Ms. Flowers which eventually became an …show more content…

Flowers reminds of my relationship with my high school business teacher, Mr. Peterkin. We would always talk sports inside of class and outside of class. He always wanted to know my opinion on what was going on in the sport world. He would also help with my other classes. For example, my senior capstone project, he help me get my presentation ready, which was my final. He gave pointers on what I should and shouldn’t do during the presentation. I had to present in front a random panel. My panel was the superintendent of my school district, my current math teacher, and a history teacher. I got a 100 on my presentation. Mr. Peterkin helped made my life easier and fun in and out of his class during the last two years of high school. But I had another teacher, who had a negative impact on me. She was my chemistry teacher. One time I went to her for help and she told me she can’t because she told me that she can only focus on my AP classes after telling the telling my class that she would be willing to help us. I hated her. When we weren’t doing labs, she would lecture the time I almost did not pass her class. I ended up with 65 average for the year. The harm that this teacher did was that I have no interest in taking a science a class again. I overcame this person’s negative attitude by not take another science class again because after barely passing chemistry, I told myself that I will never take a science class

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