Teacher Student Relationship

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In order to establish a good teacher/student relationship I plan to get to know all my students equally and establish a good relationship with their parents as well because that says a lot about the children. Words of acceptance can also make a huge difference. The fourth stage is Law and Order which is understanding and deciding the rules of the class. In order for my students to have a say in my class rules it will be necessary to have a class meeting the first day discussing any rules they think we should have. The fifth stage is Principal Level: Social Contract with individual and society. In order to incorporate this I want to encourage all my students to make the right decisions by educating them on what is right and offering my advice I am going from civil and strong relationships with students, my staff, as well as make sure the students have good relationships with each other. A Teacher-Student relationship is super important to me. This type of relationship is important because it affects the student 's learning and the respect they have for me. Students want an educator they can also ask for help without being scared. Having this strong connection with my students will help the child’s ambition to learn and come to class which is my goal. Showing my students how much I care about their education will also form a good relationship. I will do this by acknowledging their accomplishments as well as coming up with solutions when they fail. A Student-Student relationship is also important to me in order to have a positive environment in my classroom. I have realized that I have the power as an educator to promote good Student-Student relationships. I may not be able to make students become friends but I can at least help them get along. I can help them by being there if I see any issues with students and teaching them how to work through them. Also, having them work with different people and doing games such as ice breakers can form good Student-Student relationships. A Staff-Staff relationship is important as well. I want to get along with all of my co-workers and be able to go to them if I need advice or help with any of my students. As educators I feel that we all need to stick together so we can help our students become successful and be good role models to them. When my students leave my classroom and they move into society as an adult citizen I want for them to be a positive and successful influence in society. Everyone can be successful no matter where they come from and I want to prove this to my students by impacting them to the point where they strive to become successful and make a difference in the

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