Most Significant Research Experiences

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1. Describe your most significant academic project or research experience completed outside of the traditional classroom setting. (This might include but not limited to an internship, research project, presentation or publication).

My most significant research experience has been through the Winter-Cohen Brueggeman Fellowship. As a 2015-2016 Brueggeman fellow, I focused the area of my research on finding strategies that can be used to end the social evil of child marriage. In my research, I studied factors that cause child marriage and analyzed factors that lead to the increase and decrease of child marriage. My study analyzed countries where child marriage is rampant and countries where the practice is decreasing. In doing this analysis, …show more content…

I have learned that there is beauty in each and every individual and a good leader should be able to recognize this. Appreciating even the smallest amount of work from your members inspires them to participate more and become better versions of themselves. I have also learned that as a leader, it is important to be open to criticism and advice from other people. This is because a good leader is one who is willing to learn and not afraid to seek help from others. By seeking help and learning from other people, I am able to enhance my leadership skills and become more effective in leading and serving …show more content…

Many students from different nation-wide schools were present at this experience. The American University of Nigeria was also in attendance. At AASLE, I was awarded the Dr. Carroll F.S. Hardy Leadership Award. This award recognizes the accomplishments of an undergraduate student who has demonstrated transformative leadership, academic excellence, community service and a commitment to continuing the legacy of our ancestors. I am humbled by the recognition that I have received from my achievements as an undergraduate, and I use these platforms to inspire other

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