Miracle Baby Research Paper

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I was born a miracle baby, which I believe is fitting enough. My umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck while I was in the womb, which led to my mother having to have a c-section in order for me to be born. It is pretty incredible what modern technology can do. A few decades ago and my mom would not have survived and I would not have been born. I have always been grateful for the doctors who performed this. I even wanted to become a doctor for a little bit while I was younger, but the whole profession just didn’t seem too entertaining. While I was growing up with my three siblings I lived a pretty boring life. I got almost anything I ever wanted, which got really old fast. I went to a pretty good private school and lived in a pretty wealthy town, which essentially meant that I was another rich white kid hanging around other rich white kids. I used to wear really nice clothes back when I was younger, but then I grew out of it. I had a lot of friends that really cared a lot about what brand they wore and would sometimes even make fun of me if I did not wear the same brand as them. All of that seemed really stupid and self-centered to me, and I was above all that nonsense. I mean who really cares where your shit came from; in the end it is still the same ugly piece of fabric as any other ugly piece of fabric. …show more content…

I mean it’s hard not to enjoy it when you’re the schools superstar. All the girls loved me and all the guys wanted to be me. I was really popular throughout high school. I was even vice president of the student council. I could have been president, but I didn’t want to do all of that work during the years. And I also heard that being president would mean that I had to organize the high school reunions, which would have really been a nuisance. There wasn’t really any chance of me going to any reunions, and honestly I wasn’t even sure if I would still be alive by our tenth

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