Military Initiative Definition

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Today we are going to talk about initiative. There are 2 definitions to the word Initiative. The first definition is, the ability to assess and initiate things independently. The second definition is, the power or opportunity to or take charge before others do. Some synonyms of initiative are, advantage, edge, lead, whip hand, and trump card. There are many ways to show initiative like taking charge of a group to get things done faster. Also, doing correspondence courses or learning things you haven't learned before when there is no task given out. Initiative is a very important part of a person in general. The reason being for having this as the most important part is because if you show initiative then you will not look like a …show more content…

Many leaders look for this in their soldiers because they want soldiers they can trust to do things when they are not around. They also look for this in soldiers because they want to make sure that one day if leadership goes down that they have the initiative to take charge and get everyone out of the danger zone safe. Not just that but also be able to do certain missions when you are not with your leadership but as an attachment to other units. Initiative is very important to the military because soldiers are expected to be leaders and always supposed to set the example. You are expected to be this way because once you get out of the military your supposed to keep setting the example of showing the initiative to stay on track. Also when you get out of the military you have the title of prior service and many as veterans must maintain your discipline and keep not just yourself but keep a good name for the military. Many find having initiative hard but its something you have to practice and master on your own. You can't go through life without initiative because that just shows people you can't do things on your own and always need someone there for you. Also part of growing up is having initiative you are taught from being a kid till you move out of your parents house that's what your parents

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