Throughout an Army leader’s career, they are developed by those around them. For some it is those they consider peers, for others it is those that are appointed over them. No matter where the influence comes from every leader has someone that they looked up to. The leader that has affected me the most was my Platoon Sergeant at Fort Meade, SFC Miguel Luna Jr. SFC Luna’s leadership style closely matched mine. SFC Luna’s character was one of integrity. He treated all Soldiers the same, showing no favoritism. He always showed confidence in the decisions that he made. He seemed to always do what was right for his soldiers and the unit. His Soldiers always knew that if they brought him a problem he would solve it. If he couldn’t solve it, …show more content…
It showed me that I should look out for my Soldiers’ wellbeing, even if it was detrimental to my career. He didn’t condone you breaking any rules or regulations to do it though. He also showed me that I should be willing to put my career on the line if what the unit was doing went against regulations. He displayed an aura of confidence, even under pressure. He had a strong display of military bearing that inspired you to follow him. As his Squad Leader, I knew that he would stand by any decision that I made as long as it was within regulations and did not go against any orders. SFC Luna was very knowledgeable as a leader. He was creative when it came to solving discrepancies with Soldiers and never solved similar problems the same way. He never seemed to be afraid to seek out information when faced with a problem he hadn’t seen before. This taught me to be open with the way I think and to not be afraid to seek out someone with more knowledge or experience. SFC Luna’s influence extend beyond the chain of command into the NSA workplace. Branch heads were willing to work with him in making sure both the unit’s and NSA’s mission was fulfilled with minimal compromises. His willingness to work with the sections helped to build trust between the unit and NSA. He was frequently called upon to resolve conflicts between work sections and the
Part 1, The Basics of Leadership, Chapter 1 covers Fundamentals of Leadership while Roles and Relationships are covered in Chapter 2. This section describes and depicts levels of Leadership. We as a military are set apart from other non-military professions in that Soldiers must be prepared to use deadly force and have the courage required to close with and destroy the enemy. All leaders, from non-commissioned officers and warrant officers, to commissioned officers, inherently possess a great responsibility. The repercussions of decisions and actions impact the lives of Soldiers and their families. Additionally, these decisions affect the battlefield environment including enemy and non-combatants, both military and
Natural born leaders are almost nonexistent in today’s military. Military members have to complete numerous leadership classes as you progress through the military ranks whether you are an enlisted or as an officer. There are many attributes that people would have to possess to be considered a great leader. Some of those attributes include honesty, respect, trustworthy, and enthusiasm just to name a few. There have been many leaders I have worked with or for over my past 19 years in the Army. One of the most important one would have to be honesty. Honesty is important because if the people that work for you cannot believe what you tell them, they will never trust you or support you. Employees can make or break their supervisor. If they do not like or trust the manager they will not respect them and they will only do the least amount possible. When your employees believe that, you value their opinion and their work ethic. Like you and trust, you they will do anything you ask of them. Whether the decision is right or wrong it is a decision, a leader never want to leave their subordinat...
...rned the essential plans that a leader would need to lead him troops. He also had the morale and spirits to keep the troops ready to fight for the freedom they wanted, as well as his ability to command such troops in placement and tactics.
When people think of words that describe a great leader, people often think of words such as brave, determined, fearless, and confident. However, this isn’t fully true in Tim Obrien’s book The Things They Carried. Instead of being someone that troops count on to get home safely, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross was an imitation of a hero. Horner describes a hero as a person who has “rational control over the emotion of fear or doubt; strengthen, that is of the gifted athlete and military wizard; appropriate aggression fed by a competitive spirit, full of pitch confidence to win against overwhelming odds; and utter loyalty to duty, God, country, family, and his friends are the classic hero." In the beginning, Jimmy Cross didn’t have any of these qualities
for his country and did his duty, even though he knew he was going to
My leadership can expect a top tier performer who strives to be one of the most competent Non-commissioned Officer’s within the unit. I will do this by adhering to the regulations, unit sop’s and any other guidance which governs my section. I will ensure my soldiers do the same, holding them to strict but attainable standards and expecting nothing less. I will teach, coach, counsel, and mentor these soldiers-teaching them what a leader is and grooming them to be leaders also.
Whenever a leader is near, soldiers should be able to identify that leader right away. They know from how that leader is every day; they way that that leader carries him or herself. They know that leaders accomplishments, confidence, and professionalism; or at least the potential of the aforementioned.
He told us about his training around the world, his 41 years of military service, and how he walked in the footsteps of his forefathers who served in both world wars. In 2007, he spent 6 months training and was deployed in Afghanistan as part of the psychological warfare effort. He also shared stories about how he often had to walk long and exhausting miles in the hot sun, constantly checking his surroundings for threats. After completing service in 2008 and retiring as a Captain, it was difficult for him to readjust into normal life due to the near death incidents he had encountered. Until that point, I was presented with an incomplete portrayal of a soldier’s life rather than the true hardships and
The Army spends a great deal of time making followers into leaders and leaders into followers by utilizing several levels of training throughout their military career. This training allows a Soldier to perfect the knowledge and skills required to be an effective leader in every aspect of their job. ...
The information on this article impressed me in a way. This information was making made me realize how good a leader can be. “Cunning, strength, and courage were obviously prized in the warrior, and especially in a leader who maximized these warrior traits and upon whom the band depended” meaning that a warrior most
... elements required for success in a specific operation may also be different. The greatest leaders may have most or even all of the elements that Vego and Slim espouse and can adapt their operational leadership to the character of the war. In the example of Gallopoi, the focus on the objective, sound judgment and boldness were poorly applied by Cardan and Hamilton. Yet, the successful Von Sanders was able to employ the same elements only incrementally better them Hamilton and had many shortfalls in other aspects of operational leadership. However, the takeaway should be that the success of operational leadership may be determined by the leader who is just a bit more competent than his opposition and correctly matching a commander’s operational leadership strengths to the character of the conflict may be a decisive factor in the success or failure of an operation.
Part of bringing warriorship into society is by ensuring that we have the right leaders. One of Sun Tzu’s points is that, “The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely,
First is the capability to fulfill all of their responsibilities and obligations to others and to themselves competently while also being capable to recognize not only when to lead, but also when to follow. Second, is the unyielding commitment to their organizations and to the people they are serving with. Last, but not the least, is having the ingenuity to be flexible and to be able to formulate different means of solving certain conflicts as the times demand it. These are just some of the traits that I believe constitute an exceptional leader and it is my motivation to have these qualities as I serve our country, the United States of America. In the U.S. Navy, I will rise to the challenges that will present themselves to me by utilizing the knowledge and skills that I have gained in the past and combining them with those that I will learn while in
Part of being a leader is serving his subordinates. Do not misread this. This is not a role reversal but a relationship built on leaders taking care of their Soldiers “which is serving others by meeting their legitimate needs”. Pg182 (Hunter 1998) When a Soldier understands that his leader cares about him, he will accomplish great things because he knows he will be taken care of. As a leader you succeed or fail by the works of your subordinates. A Soldier that works for a servant leader has a vested interest to ensure he accomplishes the mission on time and effectively. Your actions or inactions as a leader determine the climate of your organization. “Effective commanders demonstrate a sincere concern for their subordinates’ welfare. This contributes to a positive command climate more than anything else a commander does. Sincere concern is a product of empathy. Effective commanders believe in and act for the welfare of individuals and the group to which they belong.” Pg2-12 2-77 Being approachable and serving your Soldiers is important but you must also lead them by