Michael Gallagher's Levittown Massacre

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Cops busted Michael Gallagher, 56, who works as a plumber for New York City schools and the Metropolitan Opera House at a local 7-11 last night. Gallagher who lives at 31 Silversmith Lane In Levittown N.Y. is accused of trying to strangle his Shepherd mix dog, named Bella with a zip tie before throwing her into a garbage bag and slamming her with the shovel. “We're still in total shock,” said Kerry Gallagher, 26, the daughter of the suspect, who lives with him in Levittown. “We don't even know what to do. We don't want him coming back.” A neighbor spotted Michael Gallagher attacking Bella and confronted him about 2:45 p.m. Friday, cops said. Gallagher ran off and the neighbor quickly opened the garbage bag and cut the zip tie off Bella, …show more content…

and arrested him for aggravated cruelty to animals and torturing or injuring animals. The family adopted Bella as a puppy 11 years ago from the North Shore Animal League. Kerry Gallagher said her father had quit drinking six months ago after decades of alcohol abuse. “He was outpatient and he was doing really well,” she said. “He would come home and talk. He was happy I was talking to him again. I'm 26 — that's the first time I remember him being sober.” But she suspects her dad started drinking again after another of the family’s dogs, Austin, died of liver cancer on Dec. 5. Her dad doted on both dogs, she said, allowing them to sleep in his bedroom and feeding them cookies. “I think he either just blacked out or something snapped in his head,” she said of the attack. “He’s never been violent with the dogs ever before. He loves animals.” Kerry Gallagher was able to talk to her dad as he was being interviewed by detectives. “He told me that he didn't do it,” she said. “He has no recollection of doing it. I was showing him pictures of my dog on the vet table. He was saying ‘What is that, who is that. Is that Bella?’” Gallagher draws a $71,212 salary from the city Department of Education, according to

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