Fallen: A Short Story

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Morgan McClain 9/1/16 Fallen My eyes burned with dust. Red clouds of it blew up around me swirling in the air. "Get up"! screamed a harsh voice. "How many times are we going to have to go through this. Everyday you start on one side of the hurdle and never make it to the other" the director yelled at me. I knew that if I didn't get u p now she would pull me up. I stood and dusted my self off. I came out of the dust cloud to see my director glaring at me with dark , harsh eyes. " I will see you again tomorrow t o continue practice" she said never releasing her stone hard glare. She spun around with a flip of her dark curly hair and walked away.9/6/16 I watched as she walked away glaring at her back. Finally I broke my death glare turning to see Stella patently waiting. All my anger faded looking into her dark warm eyes. Stella's coat was a speckled gray. I brushed my hand against her coat I slowly calming down as I took my hand away I saw it …show more content…

Bella stands above me and I move to get up before she kicks me. Punch's are thrown this way and that. I get hit in the faces and a feel a black eye coming. Most of the fight goes in a blur with people cheering and yelling around us. I take a kick at her legs and she falls into a plate of food. I smile this time the fight is truly over. the worst punch for Bella is a punch to her ego. I leave the kitchen and start up the stairs when the doors slams behind me.. I turn to see the little girl coming toward me. There are tears streaks on her faces but she smiles.10/7/16 She walks up to me and without saying a word hands me a plate of food. It's not much just a sandwich but I take it great fully. I had forgotten to eat after the fight. "Thank you for standing up for me" she said. Her voice is quiet it fits her small body. I slowly take the food puzzled. Usually after a fight all I get is a slap on the back if I win. Fights here are more entertainment then anything

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