Mental Training Experience Paper

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This week's lesson centered around basic training for duelling. In duelling, it is important to be well prepared mentally and emotionally, have appropriate knowledge and be physically prepared. Training in these three areas is vital in ensuring one is fully ready for duelling and will assist in securing maximum safety during duelling, potentially resulting in a win.

Mental training was the first basic training aspect discussed. Mental training is aimed at ensuring complete readiness for duelling, promoting a calm, level-headed approach. Panic during duelling can result in clouded judgement and unclear thinking, that unfortunately may lead to mistakes that cause physical injury. Mastering the mental aspect of duelling allows one to remain …show more content…

Concentration and focus are essential in mental training, and should be enhanced through appropriate exercises daily. The exercise practiced here was to sit still in a chair, touching nothing and without moving, for a 10 minute period. Any movement during this period restarted the exercise from the beginning. This was an exercise I personally had little difficulty with, due to having previously studied meditation methods. I found it relatively simple to sit still for 10 minutes, but did have to restart the exercise once, due to a sneeze. I did observe several classmates struggling with this exercise, due to the discomfort of some of their chairs, the need to scratch, and one classmate with the inability to stiffle giggles. The second exercise expanded on the first, by holding a glass in an outstretched hand, at eye level. Concentration on the glass then had to be maintained for two minutes, with the same rule of …show more content…

Before duelling, one should be aware of defensive and offensive spellwork that may be used to protect and disarm. The Disarming Charm is generally the first relevant charm taught in duelling studies, as it effectively and efficiently disarms an opponent by causing them to drop their wand, giving an opportunity to stun the opponent or flee the duel if neccessary. Practice of this charm during this lesson reinforced some of last year's work. The charm pronunication was retaught - ex-PELL-ee-ARE-muss - and the wand motion refreshed (a downwards slash followed by an anticlockwise spiral). My practice of this charm quickly resulted in the expected pale light emitted from the wand tip, and did manage to result in the ideal disarmament of my opposing

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