Pranayama Chemical Messenger

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Breathing exercises and meditation have been claimed to improve mental focus by Buddhists and yogis. A person with improved mental focus can finish tasks quickly and precisely, and with the competence to dodge interruptions. A recent study explored these activities for mental focus and found a neuropsychological mechanism behind it. Breath-Focused Practices Directly Influence a Chemical Messenger Pranayama is a formal practice of controlling your breathing, which is the source of vital life force believed in its discipline. The word came from Sanskrit that literally means the extension of the breath or life force. People who practice this discipline use various exercises, poses, and breathing techniques and sequences. Pranayama is a yogic …show more content…

Locus coeruleus is a nucleus located in the pons of the brainstem involved in panic and stress. It is also where the chemical messenger known as noradrenaline is synthesized by the brain. Noradrenaline provides specific effects to the body, such as increased glucose levels, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure. When a person experience stress, the body reacts by secreting noradrenaline to the bloodstream that causes anger, fear or other sensations. On the other hand, if the person feels lazy, the body suffers from the insufficient amount of the chemical in the body. Either way, the body can experience a major adverse effect: unable to focus properly. But if the levels of the chemical are correct, it acts as a nourishing substance to the brain. “There is a sweet spot of noradrenaline in which our emotions, thinking, and memory are much clearer,” said Michael Melnychuk, the lead author of the study from the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience at …show more content…

Analysis revealed that when a person breathes in, the activity of LC slightly increases, and when the person breathes out, that activity decreases. It means that a person’s attention is directly influenced by breathing and the cycle of respiration. It also means that focusing and regulating their breathing can optimize attention level, while focusing on attention can synchronize the respiration cycle. To better understand the relationship between breathing and focus, the investigators explained the two types of breath-focused practices. The first type is about mindfulness or the emphasis on breathing, while the second type is about deep breathing or the control over breathing. Mindfulness is likely the most beneficial in restoring a person’s disrupted attention by focusing on their breathing. For instance, when a person is suddenly attacked by a stressor and loses their attention, they can close their eyes and breathe in and out. Instead of controlling their breathing, they can focus on the sensation of respiration to regain attention. Meanwhile, deep breathing is most beneficial in improving a person’s poor attention level. For example, when levels of arousal disrupt the attention level, such as during a panic attack, the individual can close their eyes and control over their breathing

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