Maternity Leave Benefits

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Did you know that maternity leave is only about as long as your middle school summer in the United States? Every person has their own opinion on maternal/paternal leave. Sweden has a rather long period for paid leave. Whereas other places like the U.S gives a smaller amount of time. They both have very few similarities when it comes to that topic. They do have many differences between each other.

All around the world people debate on paid maternal/paternal leave. Some jobs in Sweden get paid as early as 60 days into the pregnancy and continue up to 11 days before the due date. Parents are able to have up to 480 days of paid parental leave. Each parent has 2 months reserved for their child. Parents even have a month or two where they can split the time between each other.

In Sweden there is a lot of paid Maternal/Paternal leave time for parents let´s see about the U.S. The United States have not been doing so good when it comes to maternity leave. In 2015 Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum …show more content…

Both only have a few similarities. They both get at least 12 weeks off. They both get at least 2 weeks paid maternal leave. Sweden allows up to 480 days of paid maternal leave.
Meanwhile the U.S only allows up to 84 days of paid leave. That means that you would get 396 more days in Sweden than in America.

We have looked at both Sweden and the U.S to see how they addressed maternity/paternity leave. Sweden has much better maternity leave than the United States. America has not focused on how important this issue is to many people. They also have not done much to try and help with this problem. Sweden has done something to make the issue go away. They have done a good job too. In conclusion Sweden and the United States have chosen how to go about maternity/paternity leave in different ways. Sweden has shown to be a bit more efficient while the U.S has been slacking a

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