Matchstick Men

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Matchstick Men was directed by Ridley Scott with Nicolas Cage as the star. The movie was based on a book a book that was written by Eric Garcia. The movie begins with Nicolas Cage starring as Roy Waller, a con artist who has major OCD and some phobias, both controlled by medication. His tendencies drive him to want everything in order and clean and also compels him to open and shut a door three times while counting out loud, sometimes in different languages. The supposed phobia that he has is of the outdoors, including doors that are open to the outside. Roy’s usual con that he is currently working is calling people and telling them that they have won a large sum of money that they have to pay a large tax on, and then selling them water filtration systems saying that if they buy one of them, it will make it so they don't have to pay taxes on the lottery. I thought it was pretty funny when Roy’s partner, Frank, was on the phone with one of these people. While he said the water filter was $800, he was peeling off a sticker on the filter that said $50 dollars. Roy has medication for his OCD, which he gets illegally from a doctor. When he runs out of his meds, he calls his doctor, but he’s moved away. Without treatment his OCD and phobia goes so completely out of control that he locks himself indoors and refuses to answer his phone for three days while cleaning unceasingly. After not seeing Roy for three days, Frank comes over and gets him to Dr.Kelin. Dr.Kelin gives Roy a prescription on the condition that Roy talks to him and undergoes a little therapy. In one of these talks Dr. Kelin learns of Roy's ex-wife, that he hasn't seen for 14 years, and at that time she had been pregnant with a child. After a little thought on his past re...

... middle of paper ...; Roy just thought they were. The thing is, it helped Roy; the severity of his disorders lessened even though the medication was not affecting him. When you take something that you think should help, but it really doesn't, and its just your brain thinking you feel better because you should, then its a placebo.
If I could say anything about this film, I would say its really, really awesome. I could even say it’s one of my favorite movies. I loved the actors and the HUGE twist in the plot that I didn't see coming at all was fantastic. The only bad part of the film that I disliked was a strip bar scene and the swearing, but if you like those things, I guess they would make this film even better (which, in my opinion, is nigh on impossible without their elimination). I would certainly recommend this film selectively to other people, and will certainly watch it again.

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