Martha Graham

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Martha Graham
Martha Graham is one of the most well-known pioneers of modern dance. Modern dance wouldn't be what it is today without her and her teachings. She had a very different approach to movement and dance. “I wanted to begin not with characters or ideas, but with movements.... I wanted significant movement. I did not want it to be beautiful or fluid. I wanted it to be fraught with inner meaning, with excitement and surge.”
Martha Graham was born in 1894 in Pennsylvania. Her father was a doctor who specialized in nervous disorders; he was also very interested in diagnosing the disorders through watching movement. Graham's desire to dance was sparked by the body being able to express its internal senses. Later in life, Martha repeated her father's words, “Movement never lies.” After watching a ballet in 1911, Martha, inspired by the performance, enrolled in a junior college that was centered around the arts. Afterwards she attended Denishawn school, where she studied under Ted Shawn. Shawn made a dance for her, “Xochital” in which Martha portrayed an attacked Azte...

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