Marianela Nunez: A Famous Dancer

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I choose to observe one of the most notorious and well-know classical ballet dancer of this time, her name is Marianela Nunez. She is not only one of the most follow dancers in the dance industry, but also one of the most talented female dancers of all times. She execute every step with such a precision, simply a true artist. She is native from Argentina, but since an early age showed an exceptional talent in dance joining one of the the most prestigious elite companies “ The Royal Ballet” at the early age of 16. By looking at her Facebook page, you can noticed how professional and well put together of a person she is. It has quality information and it displays tasteful pictures promoting herself on what she does best, which is to dance. propers photos in her profile and background. She presents adequate information to the range of public that is destined,which it covers from little beginners ballet students until …show more content…

Even though been a public figure and a celebrity Marianela Nunez, uses social media in a positive and meaningful way reaching audiences of all ages. The content publish is very tasteful and professional, which makes you realized how devote she is for her job.But it is not only professional and down to business. She can also be cute and very relax, posting selfies or beautiful scenery pictures of london, as well as her daily routine. It sore of makes her approachable and down to earth for been a celebrity and a famous prima ballerina. I might need more information into probing how friendly and how nice of a person she really is. Because for all I know she could be a total diva and self-center person. But judging by her responds and retweets she seems such a genuine and caring person. She actually cares for her followers and

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