Mandatory Homework Over Breaks Research Paper

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Should teachers assign mandatory homework over breaks?

Many people have different opinions on homework over school breaks. Anecdotal research has shown that when students are not given periodic breaks from the rigors of school, they suffer from decreased academic performance and depression. Teachers should not assign mandatory homework over breaks because it takes time away from family, it’s stressful , and breaks are supposed to be stress free, and provide time for families to go on vacation.

Mandatory homework over academic school breaks can take time away from family. Many people will fly across the country to see family they haven’t seen in quite some time. Family time is important, it brings families closer together and having mandatory homework to complete will interfere. Trying to complete mandatory academic work and enjoying time with distant relatives is difficult. Students will be locked up in their rooms and have trouble finding time to come out to see relatives because they have a five page essay to write. This forces students to choose between spending quality time with relatives or completing homework that they feel is unimportant. When students are forced to to choose between family and …show more content…

Students need to have scheduled breaks that will allow them time to decompress from not only the social pressures of school, but also from the academic rigors of being a student. Teachers have the freedom over breaks to choose whether or not they want to plan lessons or grade papers. Students should be afforded the same freedom and instead of mandatory homework they should be able to complete optional enrichment assignments. Too much stress can lead to health problems such as depression and anxiety. Stress in young people is often exacerbated when they feel as if they don't have control over their own choices and decisions. Many students view homework as a chore not a

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