Mandatory Continuing Education Essay

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Mandatory Continuing Education The evolving health care and health care professionals across the world highlights the significance of continuing education as a priority to further improve the knowledge and the efficiency of safe practice. In contrary, the implementation of mandatory continuing education programs increases the amount of stress and head turns just as much as the improvements on its specific goals. In this paper, the purpose of mandatory continuing education programs and its advantages will be discussed, followed by the perceptions of professionals of mandatory continuing education programs being just too much, and lastly a personal view on whether continuing education is beneficial or considered overloading task for health care professionals. Continuing Education is Beneficial As the world consistently increases so does demand of competent and efficient health care professionals. According to Ahmed et al. (2013), continuing education programs is a purposeful …show more content…

As the article states, the continuing education programs purpose is to promote safety opioid prescribing and safe practices by enhancing the professional’s knowledge, the attitude and presumptions towards subjective reasoning. Alford et al (2015), indicates prevalence of chronic pain remains the top reason to request for medical treatment, affecting roughly 100 million Americans. Due to chronic pain, it is seen to have astonishing decline effect on the individual’s quality of life and mental health; associated with disorders such as suicide or depression. However, most of these individuals and professionals find it comforting and easier to manage pain levels with opioid analgesics. Thus, creating an increasing possibility of misusing the

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