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Different generations essay
Different generations essay
Different generations essay
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There are a lot of causes to the world’s complexities in today’s time, but one very important factor is the mixing of generations in a workplace. This factor cannot only cause a grandson to have a disagreement with his grandfather or a daughter to fight with her mom but also two individuals in a workplace to argue over work related matters. Each generation have their experiences, stories, music, beliefs, interests and characteristics. The gap in generation can cause various implementations on the workforce such as disagreements, quarrels, different mindsets, comfort levels and work ethics. Three diverse generations to support this research are:
1. Baby Boomers
2. Generation X
3. Generation Y
Baby Boomers, who are usually born between the year 1946 and 1964, are known to be one of the competitive individuals. When it comes to their work ethics and values, they work efficiently and desire to present quality work. This generation consists of people who hold high positions of power and authority. Majority of the generation are corporate executives, senior managers and law firm leaders. For these individuals, work is an exciting adventure, which should never end. Unlike other generations Baby Boomers believe that they work to live and achieve. Most of them enjoy interactive communication but are not comfortable with feedback on their job. Being a team player and taking part in decisions and responsibilities while attending meetings all day is what they consider essential and a daily routine to their life. A few common characteristics of the Baby Boomer generation are:
1. Work-Centric
2. Independent
3. Goal-Oriented
4. Competitive
5. Interactive
6. Motivated to achieve the best results
Generation X, born between the year 196...
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Kane, S. (n.d.). Generation x. Retrieved from http://legalcareers.about.com/od/practicetips/a/GenerationX.htm
Kane, S. (n.d.). Generation y. Retrieved from http://legalcareers.about.com/od/practicetips/a/GenerationY.htm
Loretto, P. (n.d.). Characteristics of generation x. Retrieved from http://internships.about.com/od/internshipsquestions/qt/Characteristics-Of-Generation-X.htm
Mixing and managing four generations of employees. (2005). Retrieved from http://www.fdu.edu/newspubs/magazine/05ws/generations.htm
Narayanan, S. (2013, September 11). Generation y: ten tips for attraction and retention. Retrieved from http://www.thehrdirector.com/features/graduates-and-recruitment/generation-y-ten-tips-for-attraction-and-retention/
What millenial workers want. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.accountingweb.com/sites/default/files/generationy_robert_half.pdf
In the article “Why Your Office Needs More Bratty Millennials”, the author Emily Matchar expresses a variety of reasons why the new generation in the workforce (millennials) needs to have their voices heard. She uses different terms to discuss this generation of workers, including Generation Y, another common name for millennials. Matchar’s exposition of why millennials are changing the workplace is broken down into specific points. She references the declining job market and why, due to circumstance, it is hard for millennials to get jobs as it is. Moreover, millennials are now pushing for a “customizable” workplace, such as being able to set their own hours.
Boomer’s see millennial’s as having a short attention span which is not what millennial’s intend. If they don’t see a job working out, they are faster to jump ship than Boomer’s and that fearless attitude actually leverages them more power with their company. Sherry Buffington, co-author of Exciting Oz: How the New American Workforce Is Changing the Face of Business Forever and What Companies Must Do to Thrive, says that they have the upper hand because they are perfectly fine working dozens of different jobs in their lifetime. “In a survey conducted by IdeaPaint of 600 employed Millennials, 49 percent believe that poor management is dragging their company down; 45 percent attribute that to the lack or misuse of technology solutions.” (Avallon) This helps the reader to better understand the mentality of millennial’s. They are typically more tech savvy then their older bosses and feel they could make more of an impact if they were in charge. Millennial’s are hard-wired to think that time really is their most important resource. If they feel they aren’t being treated completely fair then they won’t hesitate about trying to find a new
This spoiled generation has hit a wall called life and is currently trying to find a way to get over it. The workplace has been a brutal environment for generations now. The millennials, also known as Generation Y, are not the first generation to want change in the workplace, but they are the first ones to be brave enough to step up and place their demands over their own job. The millennials shouldn’t be criticized, they should be admired by every other worker in the workplace. Matchar supports the addition of millennials, but added negative connotation in her article about them.
The millennial generation is made up of people that were born from 1978-1999. People from older generations say the millennial generation people are growing up being unprepared for the real world. In an article titled “The Tethered Generation” written by Kathryn Tyler she talks about why the millennial generation is so different than any other generation. She also explains how they depend heavily on their parents well into adulthood. In this article Tyler allows the reader to see why HR professionals are worried about the millennial generation entering their work force. Using Toulmin’s schema the reader can judge the effectiveness of Tyler’s essay to the audience, and this schema is used to persuade the audience to
The main themes addressed in this article are the generational changes within the workforce, the advancements in the economy that are affecting the workplaces and the changes in the work ethic of employees.
They have idealistic tendencies and are extremely willing to sacrifice personal time in order to achieve success in the workplace. Even though Baby Boomers are typically seen as micromanagers, they are good at building collaborative relationships with their coworkers and networking. Many Baby Boomers feel that their life’s purpose is to work hard, respect the chain of authority and hierarchy in the workplace. This is due to the fact that Baby Boomers were brought up in a work atmosphere where the chain of command was always respected (Kapoor, Solomon, 2011). Baby Boomers also work very hard for promotions and believe in sacrificing personal for the sake of being successful; they started the ‘workaholic’ trend and believe in paying their dues and step-by-step promotion that comes with age and time worked at a company. They also like teamwork, collaboration, group decision-making and believe in loyalty toward their employers (Tolbize, 2008). Baby Boomers tend to stay with one company for the duration of their professional life.
Dan, Schawbel. Gen Y Career. Workplace trends. Personal Branding, "74 Of The Most Interesting Facts About The Millennial Generation - See more at: http://danschawbel.com/blog/74-of-the-most-interesting-facts-about-the-millennial-generation/
Workers are often pitted against each other in the work place as a form of competition. One division that is commonly seen is gender and race, but there is also a divide concerning age that isn’t discussed as frequently. Baby Boomers are those who was born between 1946-1964, when WWII soldiers came back home, settled down and started the “Baby Boom”. While Millennials are those born around 1981-2000, and have a similar population size as Baby Boomers. In the workplace, Millennials are categorized as being bad workers due to how they were raised in sheltered lifestyles and require a different environment than the previous generation, but that is not accurate. Even though the two generations view work different, sometimes to the point of conflict,
During Generation Xers formative years, “investigations called into question many major organizations including the U.S. presidency, military, organized religion, and corporations” (Fore, 2013). As a result, this generation generally had little confidence in institutions and instead placed more faith in themselves. At home, Generation Xers became “‘latchkey children’”, who came home from school without a parent or adult supervision, and their mothers now worked outside the home. They were responsible for themselves, and often became dependent on video games and television sets, which resulted in them being characterized as “independent and resourceful” (Fore, 2013). At work, Generation Xers relied on themselves and their peers to accomplish goals, and did not put much hope in companies or organizations. Unlike Veterans, Generation Xers disliked traditional hierarchy, challenged authority, and expected their leaders to demonstrate competence and fairness, as well as embrace a participative and diverse workplace (Fore, 2013). Similar to the Millennial generation, Generation Xers placed a stronger focus on their personal lives much more than the generations before them. “They were likely to stay with one company throughout their career as long as it did not interfere with their private lives” (Gilley & Waddell, 2015). This lack of organizational loyalty is often attributed to
Smola, Karen Wey, and Charlotte D. Sutton. "Generational Difference: Revisiting Generational Work Values for the New Millennium." Journal of Organizational Behavior 23 (2002): 363-82. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. .
As a matter of fact, the manner in which they handle their children at home, managing their expectations should be the actual case in the work places. The generation Y employee is a constrained bomb of ideas, innovations, and expectations which only then transforms to expectations. The point is, these young employees have abilities that lack capacities. So now they look unto the generation X, the management to feed these capacities, as much as they may do this in a shrewd manner definitive of their expectations (Vaiman & Vance, 2008) Ideally, the generation X should be ready to embrace change in whose case the models of change should be very instrumental to help them manage the generation Y and their ideas and suggestions of change. The synthesis of the two conflicts now becomes the fusion of cultures to end up with a stable understanding of procedures for the young employees and a modern inception and injection of modern ideas into the long held organization cultures,
Klobucher, T 2011, Characteristics of Generation 2020: Generations at Work, The Great Workplace Revolution, accessed 11 November 2013, http://www.thegreatworkplacerevolution.com/characteristics-of-generation-2020-generations-at-work/
...The importance of the generational mix within an organisation is that it brings about inclusivity and helps generate new innovative ideas that could bring the organisation to its sustained competitive advantage. With each age group with its expectations by interacting with one another, there is knowledge and experience exchange.
For the first time in history, there are four generations of people working side by side in the workplace. Think about your place employment and the different people who work there. It is sometimes hard to get your point across to someone in a different age generation. This especially becomes a problem in the supervisor employee relationship. In order to effectively communicate with your peers, you have to understand the context in which they view the world. This problem is a real concern for managers. There has even been a Center for Generational Studies created.
There are many generations in society such as Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation X, Y, and Z. Generation Z is the youngest generation in the list. However, in any work place, Generation Y, which is known as an Echo Boomers or Millenniums, is the youngest. No one knows how it emerged, but it began in 1998 and ended in 2006. The people in this era were born between 1977 and 1994, which is my generation. In the United States, there are seventy one million Generation Y-ers, which takes up the largest part of population. Unlike other generations, Generation Y has very outstanding abilities and environments to success. Those abilities and characteristics are efficient in business and companies. Also, Generation Y’s remarkable characteristics affect their social lives a lot. The Generation Y is very family centric, and able to catch up the trends. Their general cultures are pop-music, iPods, social websites, like Facebook and Twitter, and anything that relates to technology. In principle, Generation Y-ers are optimistic, social, and have high self-esteem. Those characteristics bring many pros and cons to hire them. Pros are general mostly, but cons are not true mostly because of misconceptions.