Generation's Generation Essay

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How is your generation different from your parents' generation?

Time changes everything, and people are no exception. As philosopher Herakliotos said that “the only thing that is constant is the change”. Each generation has grown and born at different times, so time causes some crucial differences between 60's and 2000's generations. Who could have guessed that a half of century later most of the people communicate with someone who lives in the different country or easy access would be provided? Now, all of them are possible with the rapid progress of the time. As time has changed, people's lives have changed immediately. As a result of these changes which create differences between 60's generation and 2000's generation have occurred …show more content…

In 60's generations, people used to be strict and they had a lot of rules for their children. Moreover, they punished that included physical abuse because they wanted their kids to respect them and be afraid of them. However, nowadays, it is believed that if parents give their children more freedom, they can be more successful in life and become self-confident. Thus, they decrease the number of rules and punishments. For example, In 60's generations, parents would require their teenagers to be home before azan; on the other hand, teenagers have the freedom to be home whenever they want. The change in lifestyle, made the family ties weaker as well. The number of kids that parents have decreased rapidly.In 60's generations, families were crowded; on the other hand, most of the families have one or two kids these days. As a result of this difference, parents care much more about their children in 2000's generation. Also, the financial condition of 2000's generations families is better due to few number of kids. The changes in lifestyle also reduced the time families spent together. In Bayram, people used to visit their older relatives. On the other hand, 2000's generations only text their relatives in bayrams or any special days. Due to the change in family ties, people are becoming more individualistic. Most of the people do not communicate with each other and becoming more selfish each and every

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