Love Your Gut Essay

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The “Love Your Guts” Series!

Hello, and welcome to the “Love Your Guts” 3-Part Training Guide! This series will be broken up into the following parts:

1. The Most Common Causes of Chronic Stomach Problems

The first thing you have to do to treat chronic stomach problems is figure out what’s causing them in the first place. In this section, I will reveal the 10 most common causes of chronic stomach pain.

2. How Healing Your Gut Helps Ease Chronic Pain

In this section, I will show you how healing your gut not only helps treat your chronic stomach problems, but how doing so can help ease chronic muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and inflammation. Healing the gut is a critical step in healing any type of chronic health condition, and it’s one that many …show more content…

If you eat too fast, more food than necessary will end up in your gut before your brain catches up and tells you to stop. This is a common cause of acid indigestion, bloating, gas, and stomach cramps.

If you have chronic stomach problems, and the symptoms are more noticeable after meals, you may be eating too fast. Slow down, breathe, pay attention to your meal, and chew each bite thoroughly.

Did you know?

Drinking an excessive amount of liquid during meals can dilute your natural digestive juices and worsen chronic stomach problems. Drink only four ounces (or less) of any liquid at each meal.


Did you know?

One of the most common misconceptions about gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is that it is caused by an excessive amount of stomach acid. However, in most cases, it’s actually caused by a condition called ‘hyperchlorhydria’ or too little stomach acid.

Symptoms of GERD include:

• Chest pain
• Dry cough
• Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
• Feeling a lump in the throat
• Heartburn that spreads to the throat
• Hoarse or sore throat
• Pain that gets worse after meals or when resting
• Sour taste in the

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