Lou Ann Ruiz Analysis

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How do you adapt to change? Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Change is a fundamental part of life, and eventually everyone goes through it; it is inevitable. You will stumble across times where you will be unable to control what is taking place, and you will need to be ready and willing to adjust to what life decides to throw at you. You have to be able to find the individuals that’ll support and inspire you to be the best possible version of yourself, and are genuinely blithe when you succeed. You cannot dwell on the past and what “could have been”, willing to accept what is and what will be, ready to conquer any obstacles in your way, and you’ll most likely to be more satisfied with your results. Your attitude …show more content…

Every new chapter, we saw her develop and gain confidence in herself, slowly, day by day. It is ironic how certain people can have this direct impact on you, completely altering your life for the better. Taylor fueled Lou Ann with the strength to finally accept herself, and love her flaws, instead of picking them apart. She undergoes a transformation from dependent housewife into strong single mother, and begins to show her feminist views on certain matters. When Angel (her deadbeat husband), took off she was left with two options; lose all the respect for herself, beg for him back, dwelling on the future they could have had together, or, recognize her self worth, and believe she deserves more for herself. Taylor helped her make the right decision; the second choice. Instead of adapting to change in a way she wouldn’t be happy, she acknowledged to choose the alternative that would serve better for her and her son’s life. Lou Ann goes from being a timid, pessimistic, with no confidence in herself, unaware of her strengths, to a strong, assertive woman, ready to fight for herself and loved …show more content…

But refused to let them leave her defeated. Deciding to leave her hometown with no intentions on looking back, was a big change, and quite brave of her, as she’s never experienced life outside Pittman's Counties borders. Taylor is faced with a new adventure, and comes across many compassionate individuals, and abrupt experiences, that ultimately change her life. She could have easily allowed her childhood, and misfortune destroy her, like getting pregnant at age 16, but didn’t. She persevered and was resilient with her efforts. Conquering her own personal endeavors with a hard exterior, never allowing negativity to sink in and discourage her. Taylor’s life could have easily been completely altered, if she hadn’t of seeked the courage to escape, acknowledging she deserved better than the fate the majority of girls her age had to face. If it wasn’t for her willful and headstrong personality, she would’ve let her misfortune and failures bring her down, instead of fueling it with ambition to achieve her

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