What Do You Believe In This World You Have To Survive

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i believe that in this world you have to survive and adapt because you have to learn how to survive living with not much or just starting out with nothing and you have to adapt to live you have to be able to do this because someone or something may just stab you right in the back and then your done for so always be on your toes always be ready survive and adapt i believe in this and this is one thing i will be bring into the marines and nothing will stop me and i will be a survivor of something big i don't know what but something big is going to happen with in the next 15 years and i will be in the middle of it there will be challenges and stop blocks but i will break them and keep pushing. just remember this if you don't survive or adapt to something new you will get left behind it just happens i kinda wish it weren't like that but if it weren't like that how will we be able to go into space or save are own planet from killing us to save itself which will happen if we don't save the poles because we need more research about the cold more better coats because when another ice age comes where are we going to go we all cant live

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