Dlc Personal Statement

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“My mission is to be a humble and understanding person desiring to grow, help anyone in need and find happiness, fulfillment in life. To choose the ethical way by making the personal commitment to honesty. Building a reputation for being dedicated to my pursuit while having professional, academic and personal successes.” I believe that life is a learning experience where we can shape and recognize our positive qualities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative areas that need improvement. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized is that I am a very patient and decisive worker. Holding the leadership position in high school as a DLC Representative in DECA club has taught me how important it is to be patient when things are not working together. As a DLC Representative, I hear many opinions from my classmates regarding many issues that help me shape my diplomatic point of view. As a trustee, I share my opinion in monthly meetings considering what my classmates believe. …show more content…

I have not felt reserved or attached to any one team that I have worked with so far, I have worked with many people in several types of activities, say a presentation, project, creating a press pack, study group for a mathematics exam. As a good teammate, I try to get to know the people in my team and have a good relationship with them for a positive working environment. I complete the tasks timely and be responsible for all the successes and failure of my teamwork. I firmly believe that when you have a good relationship with your team members, you will tend to contribute your best efforts to the success of that team. Being a member of the executive board of student government association(SGA) has enhanced my ability to be a good teammate by working in different committees with new

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