Literature: The Maze Runner By James Dashner

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Jake Zahara
The Maze Runner
Written by: James Dashner
Biography of Author
James Dashner was born on November 26, 1972, and is currently 41 years of age. Dashner was raised in Georgia, but eventually moved to the Rocky Mountains. James went to Brigham Young University, originally to study accounting, but having been an avid reader since he was a child, he decided to try writing. It took several tries, but he eventually created the Fincher series of books, which started his writing career. James met his wife, Lynette Anderson, in Utah. They eventually moved to Colorado and now have four children. James is a well known children fantasy book author, as well as an adult book writer, and plans to write many more books in the future.

The Maze Runner is a book about a boy who, when we first meet him, does not remember anything, but his first name. He is among many other children, known as Gladers, inside an experiment conducted by the creators, the people how made the maze. It all seems too familiar to young Thomas when he first steps into the fortress that seems to have no exit. He feels like he has been there before, but can’t put his finger on it. Other Gladers notice and don’t like the coincidence that the day after Thomas arrives, not only does another member immediately arrive, but a female. Throughout the maze history, as far back as the keepers could recall, there had never been a girl Greenie (someone who’s new to the Glades). The keepers of the maze were also shocked at what Thomas was capable of, and what he had brought to the table. Within the first couple of days, Thomas sees an opening in the maze walls right as they are closing and takes a courageous plunge into the maze to save fellow Gladers he ha...

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... is always a way to get through things. The Author really seems to emphasize that if you just keep trying, everything will be ok. When Thomas just kept trying to find the clues, and backed up to look at the whole picture it was then easy for him to uncover the maze. Thomas definitely had to stay calm and logical for this to be achieved. When I feel most frustrated or defeated, I have to set my emotions aside in order to move forward, and think logically, otherwise my work gets the best of me, and I won’t do as well. I use these life lessons day to day with school and homework. If I just keep trying, and work extra hard, I can always get my grades up. It’s so easy to just want to give up when we get disappointed but if we force ourselves to persevere we will have success in the long run even if we don’t see it right away, such as Thomas did when he escaped the maze.

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