Life Coaching

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Life Coaching is a segment of the coaching profession that deals with the personal life of the client. “Clients often seek out a life coach when in transition between one developmental stage of life and another, such as leaving college, becoming a parent, approaching midlife, or negotiating retirement” (Grodzki & Allen, 2005, p. 246). It involves a relationship between a coach who has the motivating ability to move people forward and a client in need of that life changing motivation. This relationship is ongoing and designed to enhance and better the quality of life of the client. Most coaches have been trained to thoroughly listen and hear what the roadblocks are in the client's life and begin to break down those barriers with the help of setting goals and giving encouragement. Christian coaches believe that the answers that the client is seeking are found internally and the coaches are there to help the client recognize and implement those answers. Not just any coach but a good successful coach is solid when it comes to character and leadership, effectiveness and the insight and ability to stimulate lasting change.
Most coaches today are equipped and have a God-given ability to coach people to change. Collins (2009) says, “Whereas some people seem to be innately gifted in this area, all of us can learn to be effective. It starts not with techniques but by understanding the characteristics of an effective coach and building these into our lives” (pg. 33). These characteristics are foundational for establishing both professional credentials and personal credibility. In fact, this calling is not a surface calling but one that has been instilled and proven by the kind of life that the coach lives and is simulta...

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Grodzki, L. & Allen, W. (2005). The business of coaching: finding your niche, making money & attracting ideal clients. Norton and Company. New York, NY 10110.

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Spigel, R. (2012). The sacredness of change: Coaching and spiritual practice. Gestalt Review, 16(2), 187-194. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Tiffan, B. (2010). What am I becoming? Physician Executive, 36(1) 78-81. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Tofade, D. (2010). Coaching younger practitioners and students using components of the co-active coaching model. American Journal of Pharmeuceutical Education, 74(3), 1-51. Retrieved from ProQuest.

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