Legislation: Health, Safety, and Welfare in the Workplace

981 Words2 Pages


Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Act 2005

Health, Safety and Welfare are applicable both to the employer and the employee in the work place.

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) enforces Health and Safety procedures and monitors compliance. The HSA provide a number of services to employers, employees and the public, including:
• workplace inspections and monitoring for compliance
• investigations into serious accidents
• providing information service
• develop new laws and standards

The Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Act 2005 sets out the requirements for the control of health and safety in the work place, the management of those systems to reach the goals, the responsibility of the employers, employees and self-employed.

Duties of Employer

The Employer must:
• Prepare a safe environment for employees in which to work, as well as equipment that are safe to work with.
• Take necessary precaution to avoid risks associated with harmful substances or exposure to high noise levels, continuous vibration and other agents.
• Prohibit actions and activities by employees that might negatively impact the health, safety and welfare of employees.
• Educate and train employees in health, safety and welfare regulations.
• Supply employees with protective clothing and equipment when necessary.
• Designate a person that can perform as a Safety Officer competently.
• Bring reportable incidents to the attention of the Health and Safety Authority.

Risks and Hazards

In order for an Employer to prevent risks, careful analysis of hazard needs to be carried out. Common hazards include but are not limited to:

• Slipping/Tripping
• Falling from heights
• Objects falling from heights
• Electrical Shock
• Inadequate heating/...

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Citizens Information Board. (2013, October 13). Employment Law Update. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from Citizens Information: http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/employment_rights_and_conditions/employment_rights_and_duties/employment_law_update.html
Citizens Information Board. (2013, October 02). Health and Safety at Work. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from Citizens Information: http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/employment_rights_and_conditions/health_and_safety/health_safety_work.html
Douglas, A., & O'Neill, S. (2010). The Essential Work Experience Handbook, 3rd Edition. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
Government of Ireland. Oireachtas. (2005, November 10). Safety, Health and Welfare Act 2005. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from Irish Statute Book: http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2005/en/act/pub/0010/print.html

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