Learning How To Annotate A English Teacher

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Can you believe that just thirteen percent of America’s high school students don’t know their U.S. history. I think that there is a low percentage is because the teacher don’t make learning fun. To be honest with you I used to not like English I, so I thought that English II must be the same,but it turned out that that It wasn’t boring,due to the way our teacher teaches us.In English II two class we have done and learned a lot since day one,since we had to read a book over summer and write annotations. From learning how to annotate a book to creating a comic strip to having a debate over the justification of trickery. These by far were my favorite because they were both fun and educational.
First let’s talk about learning how to annotate a …show more content…

Then I will have nothing left in the world and shall die of hunger”.The cat overhears him but pretends not to of heard him.“Do not look so sad, master. Just give me a bag and a pair of boots, and I will show you that you did not receive such a poor inheritance in me.” is what he tells his master.This is where he starts using trickery by tricking the king into thinking that his master is the Marquis of the Carabas.He first threatens some countrymen that were plowing to say that this land belongs to his Lord Marquis of the Carabas.“Good people, you who are mowing, if you do not tell the king that the meadow you mow belongs to my Lord Marquis of Carabas, those soldiers will chop you up like herbs for the pot.”Later on the King asks to see the castle of the Marquis of Carabas,so puss n boots runs to a castle that belongs to an ogre that can change into animals.He tells the ogre that he doesn’t believe he can change into different of forms.He then turns into a lion and then he sees the soldiers outside.Puss tells the ogre that they are going to kill him and that he should change into the form of a rat.Puss then eats the ogre that had changed into the form of a rat.In differents stories when puss eats the ogre a spell is broken that was on several women in the castle.We were then instructed to make not one but two lincoln douglas debate cases.One for affirmative and the second for negative since we didn’t know which side

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