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What Leadership Means to Me
In my opinion leadership is all about serving others. Jesus led by example; He focused on loving people. When we focus our energy into helping others we are practicing the leadership that Jesus taught the world. “Everything leaders do is about providing service” (Kouzes & Posner, 2006, p.14). I want to practice this type of leadership in everything I do.
According to Beale (2007), being aware of what’s important to you 10 years from now or in a long term plan will help you plan accordingly to put your plan into practice. Leadership is important to me, thinking of my long term goals help me achieve short term goals that will enable me to work on my leadership skills on an ongoing basis.
In the workplace leaders need to be approachable and available for the employees. In addition, leaders need to serve their employees. The role of a leader is to facilitate and provide tools for the employees in order for the employees to be successful (Kouzes, 2006). This is an area that I want to continue to work on.
Following Due to Title or Desire
Leaders that have followers that follows by choice because the boss earned the respect of the employee; however, sometimes employees follow their leaders due to the leader’s tittle and not due respect. Perhaps this is the reason why leadership titles do not mean much to the employee and workers tend to give the minimum with this type of leadership. It is not the most effective type of leadership. There is also the relationship oriented leader. This type of leader works on relationships and knows his employees. He/she values relationships; therefore, employees follow this type of leader. Again is not the most effective type, but is a step closer to the most productive l...

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...s and opinions are crucial to the company’s growth. In order to look forward to the company’s future one must value the front line employees. At the end of the day they are the ones who are carrying the mission statement and representing the company with the public.
A weak relationship with the team will result in a bad name for a corporation. Big or small this is detrimental to any organization. It is a leader’s job to support and serve the front line employees. That way the employees will feel supported and will go the extra mile for the company. When an employee takes the time to become familiar with the front line employees, this aids the relationship of the team and the vision of the leader. Knowing the needs of the team will enable the leader to be proactive with problem solving and team building. This will result on a positive outcome for the organization.

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