Kolb's Theory Of Experiential Learning

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We use the term ‘learning' all the time in everyday life, but what does it mean? Different people will have alternative views on the definition. Commonly its described as the "step-by-step process in which an individual experiences permanent, lasting changes in knowledge, behaviour, or ways of processing the world" (study.com. Wind Goodfriend). Kolb defines individual learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience" (Kolb. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Page 2). This skill is something most people acquire at birth and carry with them throughout their life. Acquiring chunks of information at a time: knowledge, through tasks they've been assigned or, …show more content…

I found Kolb's (1984) model of experiential learning a useful way to summarize the process if individual learning. The cycle begins when we each experience the world through our senses. Kolb calls this step ‘concreate experience', to indicate that he does not mean the various experiences we have through books or plays, but real-world experiences. Examples of concrete experience could be as varied as sitting through a boring meeting or suffering the distress of losing a job. Kolb suggest that to learn from our experiences we must engage in a second step of consistency reflecting on what has occurred. This step he calls ‘reflective observation'. We are able to reflect on much less than what occurred in the actual experience. Reflection is selective and influenced by our expectations. The third step in the learning cycle is making sense of what we have experience. In other words, ‘abstract conceptualization'. The final step in Kolb's model is ‘active experimentation'. At this step, we test out the meaning that we have constructed by taking action in the world – which then leads to new experiences. Kolb has shown that over time we tend to get more proficient at some steps of the process that at others, thus we develop a learning style preference. Kolb has noted all the steps are necessary, the smallest alteration to any of these steps can make the learning process less

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