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Chapter 3 review intro to kinesiology
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Kinesiology is the study of muscles, joints, and bones. Biomechanics is the study of the mechanics as it relates to the functional and anatomical analysis of biological systems. Kinesiology and biomechanics put together is the study of the body movements. Body movement is how we move around, play games, and do every day, ordinary things. The body movements must be classified, and the classification help decide treatment options, as well as, the diagnosis process. If kinesiology and biomechanics are known and followed correctly, it could positively affect the prevention of diseases or disorders(McMahon). The prevention of diseases and disorders can be affected by kinesiology and biomechanics. Body mechanics plays a large role in the work of kinesiology and biomechanics, because it is the study of body movement. Biomechanics also deals with blood flow, cardiovascular function, and renal functions (Cerny). If the systems I mentioned are kept healthy, the prevention of diseases can happen. The works of biomechanics and kinesiology can prevent disorders, because its works the body to stay healthy. The study of kinesiology can be a study of the body …show more content…
Using the body planes to help excersise the body is one way to help the body stay healthy. Biomechanics ties into the process by the moment of the body, which can be classified by the by the directional terms that are used to classify the movment. The body has many directonal terms to be used to classify all of the bodies movements. Issac Newton said, “ A body is motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest (Hodanbosi).” This quote says that a body that is in motion and health, tends to stay in motion and healthy. This is what it means in a prevention of disease to a body, and it is how the biomechanics and kienesiology affects the prevention of diseases and
Pitching a ball both fast and accurate is more difficult than it may seem. These factors all depend on how the pitcher controls his body, or how well his mechanics all come together. This is a big reason why people started looking into, and studying, Biomechanics. Biomechanics is the study of the human body and how it moves. Biomechanists take advancements in engineering and mechanics and apply them to see what effects they have on the body and how they can improve production.
Exercise science possess many traits that attracted my attention whether it dealt with the different job opportunities or the ability to help an individual. There are two areas of exercise science that one can choose as a possible career path or as a major minoring in something else related to this type of work. One of the areas of study includes exercise physiology which can be defined by “the study of how the body’s structures and functions are changed as a result of acute and chronic bouts of exercise”. Not only does exercise physiology promote a healthy lifestyle, but it is closely connected to human performance, fitness, development/aging, and prevention/rehabilitation from disease or injury. Pursuing a degree in exercise physiology allows an individual in this profession to choose between several careers including physical education, exercise science and athletic training (Fisher, 2). In addition, becoming a chiropractor can be achieved through exercise science.
Oatis C. (2009) Kinesiology: The Mechanics & Pathomechanics of Human Movement (Second ed.). Glenside, Pennsylvania: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean, unarmed martial art and is best known for its kicks (Park, 2001). The roundhouse kick is a turning kick and happens to be the most commonly used kick during competition (Lee, 1996). For this reason, the roundhouse kick will be analyzed in reference to sparring competition.
Kinesiology can be defined as the study of mechanics of body movements, so I think that is very important to know the meaning of movement when studying kinesiology. Everything in kinesiology has to do with the movement. Every action the body takes is a movement which is what kinesiology is. You cannot be successful in the field of kinesiology no matter what you are doing if you do not understand what movement is. It is the study of human movement, performance, and function by applying the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, and neuroscience. It looks at movement and which muscles are involved to create movement relating to strength exercising and sports technique. Movement is an act of changing physical location or position or of
The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and other connective tissue that supports and binds tissue and other organs together. Each muscle is a discreet organ constructed of skeletal muscle tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. Did you know there are roughly 600 organs that make up the muscular system? They include the cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and skeletal muscles to name a few. The heart is the cardiac muscle. Smooth muscle are the tissues that line blood vessels and organs, such as the stomach and intestines. The skeletal muscles, which are the most well known and familiar of the muscle organ system, helps hold the skeletal frame work together. They make up bout 40 percent of the
Kinesiology is a complimentary therapy used to identify and correct internal issues to relieve stress, allergies, and pain. Being described as a complimentary therapy, kinesiology is not meant to be a cure-all for the patient, but a secondary method of increasing positive results of the original therapy; this method however can be used as a primary or secondary form of therapy depending on the results for the patient and satisfaction with said results. During treatment the doctor tests 14 different areas of muscles balance, these major muscles and how they react are believed to uncover problems that need correction which cannot be found with any other testing (Rude Health).
The term biomechanics means the study of the structure and function of biological systems using the methods of mechanics. Biomechanics studies the process of kinematics and develops artificial limbs and footwear specifically to aid the body in performance. The study of biomechanics also includes the stress testing on crash dummies in car accidents and any sport where stress is placed on the body in order to produce performance. The type of stress specifically is the joint stimulation and bone modeling stress.
What is the musculoskeletal system? The musculoskeletal system is the system that provides support, mobility and stability to the body. The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that help support the body and organs. Without them our bodies would not be able to stand up or move and our internal organs would be vulnerable. Although the musculoskeletal system seems to be able to protect the body, sometimes the body is susceptible to an injury, disease, or malnutrition. When the body is exposed to these injuries, diseases, and malnutritions the musculoskeletal system is weakened.
The Squat is a natural movement humans have done since they existed. If you pay attention you’ll notice people all over the world Squat, often unconsciously. Quick examples… Babies routinely play while sitting in a Squat position, and will Squat to stand up. Asian people often
The different models to health all use different principles. The biomedical model concentrates on the physical and biological aspect of a disease. Doctors and health professionals practice this model. This model is associated with the diagnosis, treatment and cure of the disease. This model evolves as times goes
The Biomedical Model constitutes the absence of disease, pain and defect of the body (Fanany, 2012). (Baum, 2012) describes the Biomedical Model in reference to the human body “like clockwork”. He believes that the body is like a machine. Every individual part that fits together must be able to function interpedently for the rest of the body to work – just like a clock.
My understanding of kinesiology prior to enrolling in the course, is that I knew kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement , and that it involved sports and exercise and physical activity.I 'm interested in kinesiology , because I love anything that has to do with sports, and to get more of a detailed report on how human movement plays such a big role in the sports world.I have played sports for most of my life my interests our football, basketball,baseball.I started football my eighth grade year, and continued to play threw high school, until I tore my meniscus and mcl so I skipped my junior year of football , and came back my senior year had a really great season started at right offensive tackle.Missing my junior year in football really took a toll on me ,I could have gained so much more experience playing if so. I 've played basketball probably since the third grade , and continued to play threw high school even threw my knee injury ,I played travel basketball as well a
The musculoskeletal system is comprised of bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, fascia and muscles. Together these body parts work to establish a framework that is the musculoskeletal system. This framework is what gives the body its shape, form, and figure. It stabilizes the body as well as supplies the structural support. The musculoskeletal body features not only provide a framework for your body but allows your ability to create movement. These movements are monitored by the musculoskeletal components which then determine your degree of flexibility. Overall the amount of energy your body uses comes almost entirely from these musculoskeletal functions. Which makes sense because it
With this respect, Kinesiology has close links with the acupuncture concept of energy flow. Kinesiology isn't limited to handling ailments. Energy balancing brings a person closer to achieving any goal of the choice in sport, relationships, learning or handling life in common. * WHY MUSCLE TISSUE TESTING? These techniques are given to identify & right energy blockages within the body.