Junior High Student Council Accomplishment

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One accomplishment that I believe marked my transition to adulthood was when I won the presidency of my junior high student council. This monumental accomplishment meant the world for me, but it also required a lot from me. For the first time in school I was required to do more than just learn, I was required to be a role model for other students, as well as a representative of the student body to the administration. In the beginning I thought such a responsibility was too much to be put in a thirteen year old. But I soon realized that I was the one who chose to run for office and therefore should be able to fulfill the commitment. Throughout the school year my council and I were required to come up with new projects and ideas to make the …show more content…

To this day 8th grade was probably the year I had the most public speaking opportunities. From then on being given the option to speak in front of huge crowds was no longer an option. There was no one there to let me off the hook persay. Therefore I had to mature in order to be seen as a respectable individual for people of my school to follow. With the presidency given to me in my youth came a whole other dimension of respect as well. As mentioned previously we were obligated to come up with ideas and present them to the administration for approval, they were always quite busy so getting their attention was crucial in order to get an idea passed successfully. With this came persistence thorough periodic emailing and office visits. These actions soon made me well known and respected in the principal's office. I remember one time after I made Mr. Martin aware of our intentions for the hot cocoa sales in the morning, he stopped me to tell me how much he admired my consistency and persistence and how proud he was of my growth as a leader during the school year. It wasn't long after my election that teachers and students alike began referring to me as Mr. President even in casual

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