Jesus In The Book Of John

4122 Words9 Pages

Jeremy Kidd
Dr. Smyth
Curriculum and Instruction
25 April 2015
There is and always has been one, true King. Jesus Christ existed as God and Creator long before He came to earth as flesh and blood or was named Jesus by his earthly parents. He was always King, and in Creation He established His great Kingdom of Light. The book of John tells us about the eternal existence of the King and of His Light.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness …show more content…

To this day the disciples of Jesus Christ are fighting the good fight against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms. We are eternally locked in combat, and our enemy is the darkness that tries to hide the knowledge of the truth from all people of all nations. God dearly loves the people of the world, made in His image. Jesus came to forfeit all His Kingly rights, and ultimately His very life, that the sins of all might be forgiven and entrance into the new Kingdom of Light might be freely given. No one can enter without hearing the message. The Great Commission highlights the four key aspects of this mission, the four lessons of this Curriculum Resource. First, Jesus Christ is King over all and has all authority. This means that disciples of Christ need fear nothing, but rather should boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ knowing that the King Himself has sent them. This leads into the second lesson: the King has sent His servants into the world to grow the Kingdom. Evangelism is important. The mission is to go and make disciples of all nations. This means regardless of race, class, nationality, beliefs, or personal biases, all people must hear the good news of the Kingdom of Light preached so that new disciples can be made and baptized into the name of the Holy One. Thirdly, the King requires discipleship and teaching. Just as Jesus taught His disciples before sending them out, with the power of the Spirit, to teach others, so too must disciples make more disciples, not only converts. The goal is not simply to win people to the Kingdom of Light, but to train them in all righteousness so that they too may participate in the mission of the Great Commission. This teaching is done by the Holy Spirit through the disciples of Christ. Lastly, Jesus has not forsaken His servants. The King is eternally with every one of His servants in their quest. Not only does a disciple of Christ need not fear, but disciples of Christ should feel

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