Jerome Kagan Understanding The Anxious Mind Summary

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In “Understanding the Anxious Mind” we are introduced to Jerome Kagan, a Yale Ph.D. graduate and psychology professor at Harvard University. In 1979 he conducts his first longitudinal study at the school to challenge the idea that children are more than just “difficult” or “easy” based on temperament, and recorded the findings and analyzations of over 400 preschoolers exposed to new stimuli and their reactions. Over the years 107 returned to be reexamined in which he found that very few showed signs of change over a period of 5 years and therefore, not much could be determined due to nature vs. nurture being a factor. Kagan conducted a second longitudinal study on temperament and its effects over time in which his test subjects this time were …show more content…

Kagan, however, states that the correlation between brain functioning and disorder is not exactly a straight line, in which it would all depend on the individual’s ability to successfully separate the thoughts and feelings they are experiencing from reality itself, and how well they can overcome the stressors of anxiety. The article goes on to explain Kagans idea that the “persona,” or the outer directed personality as well as the “anima,” an individual’s inner directed thoughts, can cause conflict within an anxious person as one can be controlled while the other cannot. Those who were observed as infants by Kagan were later scanned in an MRI conducted by Dr. Carl Schwartz when they turned 18, and those who were low-reactors as it was observed, had a thinner lining of the prefrontal cortex than those who were high-reactors. The much thicker lining of the cortex of a high-reactive individual supported the fact that the temperament displayed by in these individuals as infants left a mark on those who were “predisposed” to anxiety. Baby 19, however, displayed a much thinner prefrontal cortex despite being high-reactive, in which it was hypothesized that although having a jumpy amygdala she may have lacked a cortex with the capacity to …show more content…

These subjects were tested on the negative affects of their children as well as the presence of any depressive or anxious symptoms and stressors. Through a two-part series of questionnaires parents were asked about their children and their observable behaviors using a five point Likert scale rating. The purpose of this study based on the findings as described in the article abstract is to test the relationship between temperament and stressors as a predictor of youth depressive and anxious symptoms over a 3-month period (Gulley, Hankin & Young, 2016). Although many factors contribute to the onset of depressive and anxious symptoms in early to late adolescence, temperament is often times attributed with directly determining how we externalize and internalize our day to day problems; temperament refers to individual differences in affective reactivity and self-regulation (Rothbart & Rueda, 2005). As described in the article, negative affectivity is directly correlated to internalized disorders due to its link to depressive and anxious tendencies. Temperament like we saw in “Understanding the Anxious Mind” is associated with high-reactivity in individuals who were found to possess

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